What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink?
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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Homemade strawberry smoothie chilled in shakers!
Any Mocktail or a frappe. I drink water in between too. On New Years Eve, I saw in the new year with an Italian Soda :)
Lemon-Lime & Bitters.
Love it!
Plus, I still feel like I'm having the grown-up-stuff!! lol
Fresh coconut juice or pineapple. Any mocktail with mint.
Pineapple Juice. Delicious on its own or mixed with coconut water.
A delicious freshly-squeezed fruit juice.
A delicious freshly-squeezed fruit juice.
I have soda water with lime or aerated mineral water with lime. Once when at a wedding reception one of the guests at our table was surprised to see me drinking wne as she had only seen me drink the former so assumed I didn't drink.
Pineapple juice. I can still remember in Sydney the Pineapple Spot and The Orange Spot. All icy cold in tall glasses and on a hot day they were delicious and refreshing. The pineapple was my favourite.
It may sound old fashioned, but I still get a kick out of seeing the 3 colours in a fruit cup. Hangover free!
ID: 7952