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What is your favourite kitchen gadget?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Pizza slicers, fruit corers, shredders, peelers, baking aides; the list is endless. So many gadgets are available to ease the tasks in the kitchen. In fact, one of my favourite aisles to visit in department stores is the kitchen section just to see what the latest gadget on the market is.

wikipedia, kitchen gadgets

What is your favourite gadget in the kitchen that you possess and find useful, efficient and that you would not part with? What other gadgets do you aspire to purchase and why?
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Top Answers
My food processor and cake mixer are great, otherwise the egg slicer
I don't own one, but I love the apple peeler and corer that looks like some kind of toolshed equipment. One of my dad's favourite gadgets is just juzzer (that's the name they call it because of the noise it makes). It's a wine aerator that helps your wine 'breath' so that you can enjoy a glass straight away.
Ooh yes, one of our favourite gadgets. Ours is a different brand- a wine aerator and it works well.
by annfi
Left handed scissors. Or any product for left handers for that matter. You have no idea how difficult it is to open tins and packets, or peel fruit trying to using gadgets designed for right handed people.
The lemon juice - those ones that you put the lemon in the semicircle and squeeze the handles together.
I have a gadget at home that cuts boiled eggs into slices. Very helpful especially when I need eggs in my salad and I want to avoid cleaning up the mess
by WSW
Lemon juicers and egg slicers
My Clever Dick lemon juicer/squeezer/storer; you screw it into the lemon like a corkscrew and the juice comes out a little funnel, you pop the lid on and put the whole thing in the fridge until you need it next. It's the little things that make a difference!
Apple corer, with 'Apple Green' wooden handle. It'd be over 50 yo, & was my Mother's.

The 'Lactogen' measuring spoon from when I was a baby, is used in tea leaf 'crock'!
The refrigerator. It's like a time machine for food only. Most of the time (no pun intended).
Favourite is probably my coffee maker
by Finy
When you ask about gadgets, I am imagining you mean a small tool that fits in the drawer rather than my lovely Kitchen Aid mixer that proudly sits on my bench.
I have a really good vegetable peeler that a friend gave me. It is sharp enough to peel a pumpkin. I love it. After reading Natasha Stewart's answer I am reminded of my equal favourite gadget - our wine aerator. Pour the wine through and it is breathed immediately. Great gift for wine loving friend.
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