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What is your favourite essential oil?

by slang (follow)
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Essential Oil (2)      Homeopathy (2)      Aromatherapy (1)     
Lavender, rosemary, patchouli, naroli, ylang ylang and bergamot... the list of fragrances is wonderfully long, as are their uses.

What is your favourite essential oil and why? Do you combine oils in an aromatherapy burner, or do you use them for massage and skincare as well?

#Essential Oil
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Definitely Patchouli oil.
I know it is kind of "old fashioned" however I still love the scent of this oil, and often burn it -I cannot explain why it is my favourite -merely that I love the smell of it and it fill the room with that delightful scent!
by Finy
I love that oil too, I didn't know it was old fashioned!
One of my children said that scent went out in the 80's, hence my comment!
by Finy
Lavender and more of it. Calms you and helps you sleep. Ylang Ylang has heavy earth energies too. If respiratory illnesses strike (glad its rare) I like Peppermint. Chamomile is relaxing.
Thats a good tip for my pregnant daughter
by nat_c
I love them all, but especially enjoy the sweet, balancing fragrances geranium and clary sage....both which are very good for women. I also burn a lot of lavender, as it's relatively cheap (compared to many) and is so versatile.
I used a blend of clary sage and lavender when in labour. The clary sage is supposed to help restart contractions if they stall (I'm not sure if the science is there to support that, but that's what it's used for). The lavender is relaxing.
Jasmine...it's wonderfully sweet.
It is lovely. We used to have a jasmine vine outside my daughter's window at our old house and I loved the smell at night. I must try to grow some more here, or at least get some jasmine oil.
She will have lovely memories of her childhood if you get more to grow... :)
by jonaja
It's a tie between grapefruit oil and ylang ylang, both of which I love for their fragrance. I put them in my hair. Patchouli I like as a room fragrance. I use lavender oil around the house, like putting a few drops in the toilet after I clean it so it smells nice and it's easier to clean, and tea tree oil as a disinfectant on cuts.
Rose and ylang ylang. I burn them because they smell delicious and create a relaxed atmosphere.
by Vee
I love the smell of bergamot and tee tree oil.
I like lavender in oil burner as its aroma is so relaxing, love to have it before going to bed. I like to use chamomile or tea tree oil to message my neck and shoulder when I feel sour and tired.
Has anyone else combined Ylang Ylang and Bergamot? These two oils blend beautifully - the heaviness of Ylang Ylang and the citrus tanginess of bergamot are wonderful together. I also have a "comforting blend" (don't usually by pre mixed oils but this one is special) of Ylang Ylang, Orange and Patchouli. It's fantastic. Finy I know what you mean about Patchouli - there's something about it that's almost addictive!
My favourite oil is Melissa follow Ylang Ylang> I love burning Basil to keep the bugs a bay.

I like bergamot and orange and ylang combined with almond oil. It's a great massage oil for relaxation and scents is amazing
I know only of lavender.So I guess that is what I like.
I absolutely adore diffusing Young Living's 'Joy' essential oil blend. It has Bergamot, Lemon, Palmarosa, Ylang Ylang, Mandarin, Rose, Geranium, Jasmine, Rosewood and Roman Chamomile in it. The essential oils are therapeutic grade and I always feel happy whenever I smell this one. I love this oil blend!
I've got a 'thing' about Young Livings Thieves blend. I always feel the world is cleaner with a bit of Thieves. I also love the story behind it ( Grave robbers used it to prevent getting ill)
by lynne
Lynne - OMG, I love Thieves oil and their Household Cleaner too. I just bought more in and my house smells amazing after I washing the floors with Thieves.
It's great to meet a fellow-Thieves-appreciator!
Lavender. It smells great and is wonderful for hot baths at night or helping to get to sleep.
Every night we use a ready made "pillow mist" created by the amazing aromatherapy company Perfect Potion - the easy to use spray contains Roman chamomile, clary sage, lavender and petitgrain to enhance sweet dreams and a peaceful sleep.
by Lucy
Essentiel Oil is better for my skin no sideeffects
Lavender ,it helps with sleep and focus
MMM picking one isn't easy but if I must I will go with peppermint. It is refreshing, cleansing and just so uplifting when you are feeling foggy headed. You might have had a hard day, be coming down with a cold or a bit of an allergy and all you have to do is dab a couple of drops on your temples and life is instantly that much easier.
Lavender and sandalwood
Lavender at anytime! It smells gorgeous to me!
Sandalwood and ylang ylang. Very heady.
I like white musk . It smells veryclean. The one I got was from the bodyshop. Ive bought white musk from other stores but it didnt smell the same.The body shop was expensive though.
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