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What is your favourite cereal?

by Finy (follow)
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What is your favourite cereal?

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I love some mueslis and i love several cereals however due to the sugar content I only ever eat two different ones - one of which is Weeties which is the lowest in sugar and one other.

I generally add a tiny bit of muesli into this to give it a bit of taste but it would still be much lower than any of the other cereals like Corn Flakes, Special K etc.

I like most of the cereals apart from those that are coloured or have honey or something real sweet on them, as I find them too sweet.
by Finy
I don't eat breakfast cereal, but when I did, I just had muesli
I only eat Porridge now.

The rest are loaded with sugar...
Hate corn flakes, just can not seem to eat them.
Not anymore a Muesli eater anymore, was once many many moons ago.

. . . once found an earwig in my cornflakes (back home) . . . never eat cornflakes now!
by Rice
I am not allowed to eat any but I think my all time favourite would be the Cinnamon Chex and Cinnamon Grahams you can get in England and Canada. Mmmmm mmmm.
by Rice
Oh yuck!!! that's awful finding that in ya cornflakes~~~ :(
by jonaja
I buy rolled oats and add a few walnuts and half a grated apple and a few sultanas or other dried fruit. I cook that up to make a tasty porridge. I like sultana bran but don't buy it these days. I use weetbix in a couple of recipes but don't like it with milk as a cereal.
Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.. super sweet so they are more of a treat than an everyday breakfast.
Granola is probably my favorite
by AJ
Special K almond/vanilla flakes.
I used to like sultana bran until the recipe for the flakes was changed. Now it's like eating cardboard. I like semolina in the cooler months and weetbix as I add fresh fruit to them.
I make up my own bircher muesli about monthly, with the basis as quick oats and add linseeds I process myself, spelt puffs, quinoa puffs, some currants, flaked almonds, and some oat bran. I mix and put it all in a large jar. Use 2 tablespoons soaked in 1/2 and 1/2 kefir and almond milk or oat milk. You can really make up anything you want and it will keep for ages in a glass jar. It is yum. When you want to eat, stewed fruit can be added if you want. The sky's the limit really.
I'm not a fan of cereal.
I have 3 weetbix for MY breakfast with 2T rolled oats, lots of cut up dried fruits, a little coconut, homemade plain Greek yogurt, 11 bottled cherries, 2/3 slices of tin peaches or 1.2 a tin apricot, 1/2 a diced banana, & blueberries, strawberries or raspberries if I have some. Oh yes & a small tsp of wheatgerm, almond meal, LSA, chia seeds & a tiny bit of dried diced ginger. I soak all the dried stuff in fruit juice overnight, then add a little more juice when I'm about to eat it, if it's still to dry. At boarding school for 1 breakfast, I ate...(now don't be to shocked): 25 weetbix'!!!) I could have eaten a couple more, but I had to go to class! I wasn't good at anything at school, so that was my BIG THING that I did in my 4 years at high school! I doubt if it was ever recorded it anywhere though!
by Miro
Now I have asthma, I can only eat (cooked) rice flakes, as my cereal, as I can only eat GF foods & I also can't have diary products, but I can have, almond, coconut or soy milks.
by Miro
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