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What is your favourite bird?

by chipp (follow)
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Birds are amazing creatures. Watching them can bring a sense of appreciation for all around you.

What is your favourite bird?

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I'm rather partial to rainbow lorikeets, because they remind me of my childhood. My dad had a real connection with them, and built a bird feeder in the back garden where he would sprinkle sunflower seeds down. Every morning I woke up to the sound of about fifty rainbow lorikeets enjoying their sunflower seeds. Now, I live in a different state to my parents, but I have rainbow lorikeets come on to my balcony railing a lot. Seeing them always makes me feel close to my parents again, especially my dad.
Plus, they are very beautiful birds, which never hurts.
I like robins most of all.
I love bird of prey, eagles, hawks and owls
I love all birds
favourite would be the peacock. I love budgies too - because we have two of them at home!
English Red Robin.
Rainbow lorikeets really are beautiful, they are so colourful and chirpy.
I do adore to all of birds small and big, but my favourite are the Parrots.
As a wildlife photographer specialising in birds.. it's super hard for me to pick just one favourite. I love some many of them. I am particular to Kingfishers, but love the tiny wrens. My mother's favourite bird was the fairy wren and she told me when she was dying that she would come back as a wren, so I always smile when I see one. But I love the lorikeets and the rosellas. Been shooting little Eastern yellow breasted robins a lot lately. It's just too hard to pick only one.
I love black cockatoos! They're beautiful birds, and their noisy raucous cries can be heard well before a flock of them arrive in my neighbourhood.
My favourite bird is the pink and grey Galar. They are hilarious to watch, especially in a flock. Beautiful and full of character. Great Aussie bird. :)
My favourite bird is the owl, specifically boobook owls. I have loved them since I was a child. Occasionally I would see one in the pine trees at the back of our house. Once I saw one drinking from the paddling pool. A couple of years ago I held one at Raptor Domain on Kangaroo Island. It was a magic experience.
I collect owls I have them EVERYWHERE! I even have a cake platter covered in owls!
I think that it would have to be the two little budgies sitting beside me.
I have had a lot of birds and they have all brought me great joy but the one who was my bestie was a rainbow lorikeet. She was amazing and funny and sweet and broke my heart when she died. At the point of writing I still have my original cockatiel . . . 24 years old this year.
by Rice
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