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What is your favorite outfit to wear?

by megha (follow)
Fashion (139)      Clothing (45)      Dress (15)     

What is your favorite outfit to wear? Why do you like it?

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I like to wear saree that is Indian traditional dress.
I love my Black pants,with a top.
So darn comfy, it seems that's all I wear of late.
They don't show dirt...and I have a lot of them....Great for home, work, travelling.
I would never go back to a dress or skirt, ever!
I don't have a favourite complete 'outfit' as it were, but I do have favourite items of clothing. They include a red tartan shirt and a long grey fleece. I like my fleece because it is warm, covers my backside, and doubles as a dressing gown when I can't be bothered to get dressed.
Tracksuit pants - because they're so comfortable!
If I am staying home, I don't mind staying in my PJs. They are comfy.
I absolutely love staying in my PJs - absolutely love it, particularly in winter
I never really relax because I am always worried that someone will knock at the door or whatever and I will be caught slumming around in my PJs and people will think "what a slob". So, even if I am sick or like home from work on a sick day, I still forego my one of my great loves - a PJ day.
by fran.
Denim blue jeans, top which looks 'good' with them, my tan RM's, & a good leather tan tote bag!
Then I'm set!
One of my 13 cotton floral dresses. In winter I wear them with merino spencer's & leggings, thick black short sox, short black boots, & a black jacket & scarf!
I now have 19 dresses, which are all different patterns, mostly flowers with a spotted background. 2 of the dresses are patterned with no flowers!
by Miro
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