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What is your child's favourite nursery rhyme?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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nursery rhymes
Humpty Dumpty

Mother Goose is famous for giving us nursery rhymes which have gone down for generations. However, there are some rhymes which we are losing with every generation whereas some remain ever popular.

Do you have a favourite nursery rhyme that you would like to live on forever?

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Twinkle Twinkle little star!! It is soothing and can be used as a lullaby as well. And it's one of those rhymes that actually makes sense! :) My daughter likes to dance like a ballerina while singing it.
It changes dependant upon the mood, the week or what he's been up to. This week it seems to be Old MacDonald has a farm but last week was definitely baa baa black sheep. We've been doing nursery rhymes with our kids since they were both born, utilising the free rhyme time at our local library. I love twinkle twinkle for my baby boy as a calming soothing lullaby.
I used to sing "You are my sunshine" to my son, but as he got older he asked me to sing ... apparently I can't carry a tune.
Christopher Robbin...the little rhyme about his Mum going to town. My favorite!
It changes dependant upon the mood, the week or what he's been up to. This week it seems to be Old MacDonald has a farm but last week was definitely baa baa black sheep. We've been doing nursery rhymes with our kids since they were both born, utilising the free rhyme time at our local library. I love twinkle twinkle for my baby boy as a calming soothing lullaby.
My nieces loved Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Humpty Dumpty :)
Humpty Dumpty is about a cannon. True story.
by Vee
Twinkle twinkle little star is a fave at our house.
Hickory Dickory dock,the mouse ran up the clock.
Ba bah black sheep
Incy Wincy Spider is sung a lot around here - I think they really like having hand actions to go along with the song.
by Lucy
baa baa black sheep!! They love the tune.
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