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What is your budget for Christmas Presents?

by elise (follow)
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How much did you spend on Christmas presents for your friends and family? Did you set a budget and adhere to it? Or did you go above and beyond?

What is your way of ensuring you find a present that is best value for money?

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Ooooh. Hard question. 1st thought is always the suitability. I don't buy generic presents. 2nd thought is if the person will think I have spent too much, which can be a problem. I don't think I shop with a budget in mind. I have bought some expensive gifts over the years and I have also made friends and family extremely happy with a cheap find that was *just the thing*. I do like to put a lot of thought into my gifts. Merry Christmas, all :-))
by Rice
I'm not giving any gifts as such I have gifted some cakes and that will be it.
by Gia
I prefer to make my own gifts, but if I buy them I choose them according to whether or not they'll be loved (and needed) by the recipient. I generally don't spent much, though, unless they're for a close friend or family member.
I am a no talent bum. Lovely for you to be able to make things. Clever :-))) I bet the recipients feel very special.
by Rice
I look during the year.Esp when stock taking etc is on, in store.

I have a 50% stash, waiting for Dec.

The other say 50% is bought...with a budget of about $200.

This year has proven to be most successful, and that is because I started 5-6 months before.

We know Christmas is coming....so half way thru I get ready.
I buy my presents throughout the year, and the recipient either gets them for birthday or Christmas. Most presents aren't very costly. However, I give the kids a Visa card with a money value of 100 dollars each. I also get gift vouchers of say 50 dollars value. I got my son and his wife a gift certificate to Peninsula Hot Springs which was over 150 dollars. Apart from these things, any other gifts are not usually very expensive. The big outlay is always for gift vouchers and certificates. I don't adhere to a budget. Buying things throughout the year on sale is the best way to shop for Christmas for me. Then, I wont be up for hundreds of dollars come November. I will go shopping at the sales after Christmas and get a lot of next years gifts but with 70 % off. Good quality gifts but VERY cheap.
Have only 3 persons' to whom I give presents!

And for them there's no set $ value!
It's whatever they want, within reason, though!
No set budget. I tend to buy presents during the year when I see something which I think would suit the person concerned. I always like to match presents to the individual and not give generic items.
I didn't really set a budget, I buy or make gifts for people over the course of the year so it's a bit harder to keep track of, but means I never have a large expense all at once.
As we only buy for each oner, our daughters their
partners, & the 2 little grand-daughters, we spend what we like. I also buy for 3 girlfriends as well. That’s all.
We have set a limit amount of no more than $20 on each person. Usually we just gave to the children because children make Christmas but these children are now adults.
I do not have a budget but do not buy many -really only for my grandchildren and a few others.
by Finy
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