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What is your best way to organise your fridge?

by elise (follow)
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An organised fridge

Are there any tips or tricks you can share to help keep an organised fridge or freezer?

What is your best way to keep your fridge organised?

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Top Answers
I don't organise it - it just happens.
by Finy
I saw a video recently where someone used plastic storage baskets to keep things organized. Thats as much light I can shed.. and practice first in first out stock rotation
I like to use these (see pic) they really help a lot!
You can find them in the better $2 shops.Even K mart had them.
My fridge is chaos.. so will follow this post closely!

I never put small jars/items/foods at the back, that way I can see at a glance what is in the bigger bottles and containers - olives, gherkins and the like. I keep all my jams and preserves together. Eggs on the bottom shelf to the left and cheeses to the right. Small bottles like mustard and relish go in the door. Milk goes on the bottom shelf of the door and usage is always from right to left - newer milk to the left of the one in use. I prefer the milk to be IN the fridge but those big bottles only fit in the door :( The crisper only has vegetables, as fruit is supposed to be on the shelf loosely wrapped - I googled this and it really makes a difference. As for the freezer, I try to freeze things flat so that they pack better. I have glass shelves as I prefer them and they don't bruise the fruit like wire shelves can. I'm liking jonaj's basket idea . . . . . :-)))))
by Rice
That is pretty much what I do to, works for us hey?
by brigi
Thank heaven! After I posted this I was thinking I would looking like a nutter. So, brigi, I have a fridge cohort :-)))
by Rice
I don't actually organise it, sometimes it can get messy!
I don't really organize the fridge. I make sure it's clean and very important! it's not full. I don't like a full fridge. When the fridge is really full, food will go to waste. And for the freezer, I have a list with everything in my freezer and these days I started making meals with what I have in the freezer to renew everything.
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