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What is wisdom?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Life (383)      Wisdom (11)     
Is "Wisdom" something that you are born with, is it gained with life's experiences, is it something you learn at university, or is it something you aspire for all your life? How is wisdom attained, and most of all, practiced?

what is wisdom, wise,

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I think wisdom is multi dimensional. It can come from personal experiences, personal insights gleaned from what a person has been. For some it can come from the application of knowledge or from having done something once, maybe failed at it and tried again, wiser and stronger from the experience. I think there's also the notion that some people are born wise. Not perhaps that they are born with all the knowledge needed to be wise but that they have disposition to be wise, and take life experiences on board and grow in that nature. Wisdom is likely also multi faceted in a person could be wise in some areas but not in others. I agree that some of wisdom probably does come with age due to the amount of life experience a person will have had. However some of the wisest people I've met haven't been 90, but instead were just people who were likely blessed the ability to absorb all experiences and take the learning from them, and absorb the wisdom of others and this has made them 'wise before their time'.
Life experience that cannot be brought, only experienced. Ah yes "the school of hard knocks." It might be "oh unfortunately" at the time, to frustration central; however we're blessed for such wisdom to be bestowed onto us at any given moment.
Wisdom is like a repository of knowledge and life experiences that grows with age - growing older and wiser :)
Do you think growing old necessarily means becoming wiser? I am not too sure. I do think having life experiences and learning from our mistakes/accomplishments makes us smarter, but "wise" has to be something more golden, on a higher ground?!!? I don't think everyone can achieve wisdom, but that is just my humble opinion. I wish I could ask The Enlightened Buddha.
Wisdom is having the right knowledge and possessing the ability to interpret and apply the knowledge in a resonable manner. As Miles Kington once said: Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. And I rest my case :)
Wisdom is learning from your mistakes. Not repeating the same things again, that end badly.
Something I do not think I have!
by Finy
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