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What is the worst date you've ever been on?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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date, dating, relationships

Who was the date with? How old were you? What happened? Did you ever see that person again?

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I've never been on a date, so have never had to face this problem.
One that only lasted about ten minutes. We just completely despised each other - we both ran in opposite directions.
10 mins!!
by jonaja
I have been very lucky, liked all my dates.

But, they were all nice guys.

First one I was 19..... all my dates we went out for a meal....A couple I didn't really follow through for long, third one I was engaged too. :)

I've only ever been on one date, and it was a doozy. After dinner, he gave me two options of what we could do next. When I chose going for a walk where there was a nice view, he said "That's what they always choose."
Was set up on a blind date and the guy was younger and just totally not my type. Someone else's perception of what they think would suit you is not to be taken seriously. Moral of story never trust your friends :-)

Was a 'family friend' situation to his staff XMAS Party. All he could talk about was rugby, & his work at the bank! Poor lad had the personality of a dead mullet! Oh, & when dancing, he had sweaty hands! Yeow!
I was really annoyed, as had to knock-back a night out with another chap I liked, as his invite received later.
Never saw first bloke again, but married second bloke!
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