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What is the weirdest food combination you’ve ever eaten?

by DamienR (follow)
Photographer and writer.
Food (698)      Weird (7)      Food Combos (1)     

Chocolate croissant
Photo -Pixabay.com

Some food pairings are just odd, like chicken and chocolate or deep-fried banana wrapped in a tortilla. What is the strangest food combo you have ever eaten?

#Food Combos
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Top Answers
Cornish pastie and doughnut. The contrasting flavours are a delicious combination.
by Gia
We do an Aztec chicken dish often in our home, it's chocolate, cinnamon, cilantro, green onion, jalapeno and chicken. It's awesome! The recipe is on Recipe Yum ( http://recipeyum.com.au/saucy-aztec-chicken/ )
I don't ever go there.

I have to keep all my food just the norm and well made.

That's just me....I don't do weird when it comes to food...ever....Never have.
I can't recall anything particularly strange..baked beans mixed with capers?
by Vee
waffle omelette burger
That actually sounds really good!
Apple onion cheese lettuce and mayonaise on the freshest crusty sesame seed bread roll. YUMMMMY
Just plain, boring, run-of-the-mill food.

Closest I could get to 'WFC' would be Ryvita buttered, with Cheese, then Cucumber, then fresh peeled Prawns. With a hot 'cuppa' or whatever you feel like at the time! Champagne's good! Lol!
The weirdest food i tried was Tripe soup.
It looked like a beef broth with with fleck right the way through the soup.
The fleck was the tripe which had been minced finely.

Strangely it tasted lovely.

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