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What is the scariest horror movie you've ever seen?

by Gen Adams (follow)

As a horror movie buff, I usually ask this question of my friends to see if they have watched a good horror that I may have missed out on. Let me know what movie has sent chills down your spine and ones that you would definitely recommend for others to see.
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Many years ago I'd say The Thing or Poltergeist, but I think recently Woman in Black or Paranormal Activity
Hmmm.... I can't think of the scariest horror film I've seen off the top of my head. I think you definitely get a little desensitised over time. When I was a kid Candy Man was one of the scariest films I remember watching.

Recently I really enjoyed Woman in Black. I think I actually watched it on your recommendation Gen. :)
The Japanese (original) version of the grudge. Did not want to watch tv alone after that.
by WSW
Hide and Seek, with Robert Deniro, Famke Janssen, and Dakota Fanning. Read its wiki page to get a feeling of the scariness of this film.
I can't watch horror movies anymore - when I was little my big brothers let me watch movies like Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th with them and they scarred me for life! I still can't see an image of Freddy Krueger without a moment of terror...
Martyrs. Hands down.
ID: 4126
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