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What is the safest method of contraception?

by Clare Deville (follow)
Editor in Chief of www.healthyhints.com.au
Health (523)      Contraception (3)     
It's said that none of the available contraceptive methods are 100% effective. There are plenty to choose from these days and they fall into five major categories:

barrier - condoms for males and females, diaphragms, cervical caps, spermicides
hormonal - oral contraceptives (the pill), patches, injections, implantable rods
intrauterine - IUDs
sterilisation - tubal ligation, vasectomy

condom, contraception, safest method of contraception
The humble condom

But with many of these methods touting lists of possible side effects longer than my arm, how do you choose which method is both effective and safe?

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Top Answers
I love the pill, have never had any problems. Must be careful when on antibiotics or have an upset stomach as the pill may not work. I agree with the others best to combine.

There are different pills to try so if one doesn't work for you don't give up.
Well abstinence is always going to be the safest but it's just not realistic to expect that of everybody who doesn't want kids yet. Also it depends whether by safest you just mean the most likely to prevent unwanted pregnancy or if you're talking about also preventing STI's. Hormonal contraceptives and sterilisation won't help with the latter. For that you need a barrier method like condoms. And of course you can use more than one method at a time, like the pill and condoms in combination.
Well, I am not a doctor but I feel that since no method is fool-proof then one can choose to adopt more than one method. For example, one can take the contraceptive pills regularly and ask the partner to wear condoms as well to ensure double protection.

Contraceptive pills have a number of side effects however, taking occasional breaks from the pills while continuing the condom usage can supposedly negate some of the side effects of the pills.
Best to speak to someone, like your doctor, who is specialized in this department. Otherwise condoms is always the most preferred method but has a chance of unexpected pregnancies!
I'm personally doing abstinence at the moment, and is what "I'd prefer - no medicines and pills; however condoms have been effective in the past. Have been on the pill, and although it regulates the menstrual cycle and gives you clear skin; the other side effects are unpleasant, and not worth the benefits. Have tried Implanon. The latter is a fantastic set and forget form of contraception; however that "time of the month" can strike at anytime without any warning.
by Vee
Abstinence is the only safe, natural method.
Maybe you are only meant to have sex if you want a baby every year - that seems to be the natural flow of things. LOL
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