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What is the one thing most people don't know about you?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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self, lifestyle, secret

Whether it is something you like to do, a talent you have or a place you have travelled to, what is the one thing that most people would be surprised to learn about you?

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My age? It seems that people always get surprised when I tell them how old I am. People often comment that I don't really look my age at all.
When I was 13 my family escaped from what was then a communist Czechoslovakia. We lived in Germany for 8 months until we got our Australian immigration papers.
Wow! you should write a book...it would be amazing! I for one would read it :)

by jonaja
Thank you Jonaj ... it certainly was an interesting journey.
When they discover something unexpected about your career in the last. Totally unrelated to what I do today.
Meant to write past and not last. Darn iPhone!
Most people do not know I was actively into sports as a kid. Since I am a doctor, people end up thinking I might have a been a studious nerdy type. Also gained some kilos in recent years, so guess its hard to picture me as a sports person!
It would be the ability to understand 'Art'.
I know what is considered 'art', and what is just a painting of such.
Not all paintings or works of art....are acceptable, as true works.
I used to be a Surf Lifesaver and love surfing.
by Lucy
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Address: Morella Road, Chowder Bay I love discovering new places to hang out with family and fri...
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