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What is the one kitchen appliance or gadget you couldn’t do without?

by Vee (follow)
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Olaf potato
Image sourced from https://www.facebook.com/thesmallpotatoes

I need a good potato peeler STAT. So, apart from the fridge and the obvious oven/stove combination, I couldn’t do without a good potato peeler. What about you? What’s the one kitchen appliance or gadget, apart from the fridge and stove/oven that you couldn’t do without?

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Does a pairing knife count as a gadget? That along with my blender see the most service in my kitchen.
I guess so. I need a good pairing knife. Any suggestions?
by Vee
I've had my Victorinox one for years .. It's still as sharp as the day I bought it!

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. ;)
by Vee
Would you believe 'paring' knife.........
by donjo
I agree. A paring knife is a basic in the kitchen and such a handy little thing. I must reach for mine several times a day. . . . and if it is not where it should be . . . . *sparks fly*
by Rice
Maybe my knives or my slow cooker - I'm really loving my slow cooker at the moment!
So am I! They're fantastic!
by Vee
My THERMOMIX!!!!! Heaven help me if it ever dies. I freaking LOVE that thing! There's a new model and I'm sooo desperate to sell our old one and get the newer, bigger, fancier one. I've started saving.
maggf, what the heck is a thermomix? I've never heard of it.
by Vee
Go on youtube and watch a demo. It's an extremely fancy food processor basically. It kneads, grinds, purees, steams, cooks, weighs …. it's a whole kitchen in one appliance basically, but it doesn't toast or bake.
by meggf
never heard of a thermomix?? odd... i thought everyone knew what they were -:LOL
by Finy
The sandwich press because I can make delicious sandwiches!
Good one.
by Vee
My cutting knife's.

Life would be Impossible without , big time!
So true! I need a new set of knives as well.
by Vee
The blender-grinder
Probably the tin opener. We use a lot of tinned beans (the dried ones take forever to prepare).
I think I have asked this one also

My coffee machine which makes latte, cappuchino, etc etc and cleans itself and does everything except drink it.

Though theoretically, I guess this is not the one I use most -perhaps a kettle is the one most used in my house. Or the hotplates or, or, or -there are many -hard to choose just one.
by Finy
RE: Coffe machine, LOL. There are so many, aren't there? It almost makes life before the modern kitchen seem impossible.
by Vee
Love my coffee machine -it is very big and does everything -brought up not to like Nescafe as parents European and they didnt know what nescafe was when they first came.---rather instant coffee.
by Finy
The ALDI coffee machine - it cops a hiding at our place.
I always wondered if they were any good. Thanks for the heads up.
by Vee
They're great Vee. If ours dies I'll just go and buy another one!
One that I bought 12 months ago and have just started using. I bought a Benchtop Convection turbo cooker from Aldi. Absolutely great from a steak to a roast dinner. No smell, no heat, glass bowl to clean (if I don't put some foil in the bottom first). Really, really good.
Kettle. Have lots of cuppa's during the day! Lol!
The Slow cooker - great for casseroles and stews.
Pressure cooker. Oh, my dear little versatile friend . . !
by Rice
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