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What is the most you've spent on a pair of shoes?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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shoes, shopping, shoe shopping

What is the most money you have or would spend on a pair of shoes? How often do you buy new shoes? Where do you usually shop for shoes?

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About $60 on some ridiculous platform boots that way nearly 3kg each. I still have them and they still fit, but these days I mostly use one of them as a door stop. My fitrst pair of Docs were about 30 or 40 pounds. I have no interest in designer heels. My feet are too wide for most of them even if I could afford them.
Jimmy Choo and Burberry, about $300 to $400.
I usually wear my shoes into the ground until I buy a new pair. For winter, I have Timberland boots, which were £160. That's the most I've ever spent. For lighter shoes I'll spend up to £80, but prefer not to spend more than £60.

I usually buy my shoes from hotter because they do wide fittings, and are very comfortable.
The most I have ever spent was 32 years ago.
They were $60
Back then it was a lot of money, I saw them in a magazine, but when I walked in them after time they were impossible..

In the end gave them to charity.
I buy new shoes once every 8-12 months.I only wear very good leather flats.Which can cost me $75 - $85 a pair.
Even the guys now are buying top end shoes,with real gold plated heals.

When I worked in the corporate world I would spend up to about $150 on high heeled shoes, but since my lifestyle is somewhat casual now, I usually only spend about $80 on comfy shoes.
$150 for my wedding shoes.
$150 for my wedding shoes.
The most is only about $220. I normally spend under $100 because I wear them out so quickly.
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