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What is the most you would pay at a cafe or restaurant for your main meal?

by Finy (follow)
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What is the most you would pay for a main meal at a restaurant or cafe?

#Eating out
#Menu prices
#Most you would pay
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That depends on the occasion and the restaurant.
I would pay up to about $50 for a main meal however that is at the high end for most restaurants in Perth.

I do not begrudge spending money on food, so once again, depending on the circumstances, I may even pay more, but generally when I go out for lunch, it is between about $12 to about $25 for the main meal.
by Finy
Great questions Finy..... no one else seems to be asking?
by jonaja
No more than $30

I just could not afford to pay any more, but even now that would be once in a very blue moon!
We don't eat out, I have a fear of dirty kitchens.
Why, Finy? I don't understand your rationale.

It's NOT in the 'best interest', for MANY reasons' for a restaurant to have a 'dirty kitchen'! It loses the owner business, for one, & not too many people go into a business to lose money, & their reputation!

Have you ever been through a commercial kitchen? If not, why not, with your 'fear'?

My son is a Sous chef. I've gone through every kitchen at his place of work. I thought I kept my kitchen scrupulously clean; you should SEE a commercial one!
So I have to disagree with your 'reasoning' on this occasion!

by donjo
Oops! My bad. Sorry Finy, meant for jonaj!
by donjo

I have worked for years in kitchen's with Chefs.
I know what go's on, and I have also been inside their freezers and fridges.
Well versed indeed, and I can tell you my fear is right-on-the-money.

Unless, your one of the top 2 dozen around the world.
Who can afford to eat at the 'Fat Duck' and the like...hummm?
by jonaja
Oh! jonaj, was/is your work current? Or some time ago? With Health Inspectors' checking, & for my reasons cited above, in this day & age, I, on this occasion have to disagree!
Asian restaurants' are the ones which are usually penalised of late.
by donjo
On this one we will have to agree..... to disagree.
by jonaja
Not often would I pay much over $20, however for a special occasion would be happy to pay up to $50 only (and it better be worth it!)
by Fran
For main meal? $35, that's usually because I'll get an entree.
by Vee
For a fantastic experience, superb food and wine and exceptional service I would be prepared to pay through the roof for a meal that I would never forget. However, these are limited to special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries. I took my husband for lunch at Momofuku for his 40th birthday. We did the lunch degustation with the wine pairing option and I didn't get much change from $500. It was worth every cent as the experience was something we will never forget.

I don't chose restaurants or dishes to eat based on price but rather on the quality of the produce being offered and the service. I can enjoy a cheap meal but the service is extraordinary likewise an expensive meal and the service is horrendous making the expense of the meal really hurt the back pocket.
That would depend enormously on the restaurant! For my husband's fortieth birthday, he decided he didn't want a big party, so we had a meal for five of us in one of the top restaurants in Brussels... and it cost about the same as a fully catered party for thirty or forty people would have done. But in a normal restaurant? I wouldn't dream of paying those sort of prices. There's a cheap and cheerful cafe on my high street that does a delicious lunch for less than £10 and we ate out at a traditional country pub at the weekend for about £20 each. A reasonable price is entirely variable on the place, location and type of food being served!
I go out for meals very rarely as I am allergic to so many things!Yet I fully appreciate why the cost of some meals in certain restaurants is what may be considered rather high.My son is a chef and I know exactly what goes into the meals he creates,from the ingredients to the skill in preparation!
Up to $50 if it was amazing - but it would want to be good
by AJ
$25-$30 but then i nearly always use entertainment book vouchers so two meals for $30.
For my main course, usually pay $38, as is at top-notch Restaurant, & that's prime-quality steak.

That's a cheap meal, as that's all I could eat.
No more than $20, I think it would be silly to pay any more than that!
$40 for a main meal
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