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What is the most enjoyable thing you've done with your friends in the last two years?

by megha (follow)
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What is the most enjoyable thing you've done with your friends in the last two years?

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A year or so ago I went on a lovely long drive to a national park with one of my oldest friends, and finished the day at a great vegetarian restaurant. We talked all day and had fun together...things that we normally don't have the opportunity to do as we're so busy and live on the opposite sides of Australia. Sometimes I'll hold little get-togethers at home for my friends too.
Build connections with people I always wanted to get to know better, to turn into lifelong friendships that are bound to last forever.
Met up with friends for a long overdue reunion and stayed up all night!
Just sit down and play some cards having a chat with a beverage or two and maybe watching some football in the background. Good times!
I went to a wonderful wedding, with 3 dear friends...who I also volunteer with.
It was amazing, one of the best days and the food was to die for.
We all had a great time, better than most other weddings.Yep, would like more
days like that one!! that's for sure.
Went on a camping trip on great ocean road after being away for 2 years good times in nice relaxed quiet environment with a fire
Stayed for a whole month in Perth with likeminded friends and saw 110 species of birds.
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