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What is the main cause of domestic violence?

by annep (follow)
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Domestic violence is a common crime in many countries, even Australia. However, not all the victims seek for help. Most of them actually try to lie and cover up when being asked. An interesting fact is that not all the culprits are drunks or show the typical signs. Some are even considered respected member of their community.

So what do you think is the main reason for domestic violence? What can we do to stop this?

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While there are many reasons, I think one main factor is the upbringing. In some culture, men are believed to be tough and have control over women. They are brought up to believe that domestic violence is common behaviour attached to their masculine image. Some of these men might also have abusive parents and get mistreated when they were children. That makes them more likely to abuse their own children when it's their turn.
Please address you sexist tendency.
Many men have suffered this abuse at the hand of a woman but we are not able to complain as it is seen as a joke if we do. This is the only reason the statistics don't reveal the truth. As a young boy I watched in horror as my mum attacked my completely passive dad with a knife because he simply complained about her bad behaviour.
I also suffered in silence at the hands of a violent woman too proud and confused to know what to do.
She had a Master’s degree with powerful job and was viewed in the community as an important person. Little did they know what she was really like.

by kstew
I agree with annep about upbringing. Either because of the way you a taught due to culture or they way your own parents treated you as child can have a significant impact. There are also some people that are genetically pre-disposed to violence. I heard about this study once, where the genes of male prisoners were collected and studied, and it turned out that a majority of them had an extra Y chromosome, which makes them more violent.
Why did they not test the female genes. I know because the community is blind to the actions of women. Take the blinkers off.
by kstew
I think it was just because it was a male prison. Also, if women had a Y chromosome then it would mean they were part male - transvestites - and they would still have less Y chromosomes than normal males. It was trying to discover if the extra Y had an effect, which isn't relevant to women.
Agree with annep.
In addition, if the victim takes action at the 1st attempt of violence, things can be curbed (hopefully). Just waiting for the person to improve, means you are in for a sure downfall
I agree that one of the factors contributing to domestic violence is one's cultural attitude toward violence, but this is not always the case. Some people, both men and women, know and believe that domestic violence is not acceptable yet find themselves in compromising situations because of wrath or fierce anger. This may be rooted in the individual's genetic make-up (not that a predisposition to wrath and/or violence is a justification for either), or in some deep-seated personal issues. Either way, both victim and perpetrator must seek help in order to overcome D.V. and it's consequences.
by Vee
As you say there are many reasons.I won't even try to go into them.
That's how many there are.

What can be done to stop it?

Unless....It becomes such a serious crime as murder!....and we know that will never happen.
In other words, first time offenders...go to jail for 10 years, no question.

It is advertised at all times on t.v. and radio, newspapers.
You may....then win the battle.I have done extensive work in this area,and have been on the receiving end too.
It has to be 1 time...lock up...But that means around $93,000 per year per inmate....the Government won't do it.
Dissatisfaction,Relationship breakdown,Financial problems,Drinking,Gambling,Sex & so on.
This then leads to physical abuse which rradually keeps on increasing until one day the damage is irreversable.

Shane LeRoy
Angry men with unsolved issues
by Finy
Many, many factors' come into it.

But, IMHO, non-education, both in the family, & School, is the root cause, in a person's behaviour towards other humans'.

This education should be ongoing from the cradle to the grave, to get balance back into humankind.
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