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What is the ideal breakfast?

by Xarah (follow)
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There are people with a rushed morning routine due to time constraints, lack of sleep and lack of proper meal intake during the day. They're all interconnected to each other, resulting in a productive yet highly exhausting day.

What would be the ideal breakfast meal for a person with limited money and time to keep them energized for the day? Would it be easier to pack it or have it at home before leaving for work?

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Top Answers
Have it at home.
Eat something that is natural, (not breads) but muesli and fruit, also take some carrot and celery for morning tea, to nibble on...Drink water, that's a huge one.Try to stay clear of 'Carb's'.
By eating healthy...and Often, you will feel a whole lot better.
You Must make time to eat B/Fast every morning at home, and relax as you do.If it means getting up 30mins sooner, then you do that.Also eat an apple now and then, it is very good for you and your energy levels. :)
Smoothies are great for people who don't have much time in the morning or don't feel like eating. If you can fit in another ten minutes, eggs make the perfect start to the day because they contain protein which will make you feel satiated and stop you reaching for sugar later in the day.
Smoothie....best ever and quickest to make.
A tricky one. I would say cereal for anyone cash tight. Yet protein including eggs an sausage ensures a more filling breakfast.
Sorry guys for the two answers, computer was playing up.
A tricky one. I would say cereal for anyone cash tight. Yet protein including eggs an sausage ensures a more filling breakfast.
When I was at uni, I would eat a banana, apple or carrot with a muesli bar during my commute there. Of course the latter tend to be packed with added sugar, so be wary when choosing a bar that's right for you.
by Vee
I think it is far easier to have it at home, and I love bacon and eggs though due to bacon being unhealthy I limit how often I eat it.
I think a croissant with butter and jam would be low cost, as long as you like sweet things, otherwise croissant with cheese could be a good way to start off the day.
However I don't think you can beat the egg.
by Finy
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