What is the first thing you do every morning?
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The first thing I do each morning is put several lots of drops for glaucoma in my eyes!
I have to do this morning and night and it is a nuisance as I have to wait about 10 minutes in between different drops, so I do this before I get up as that is the easiest way to put in eye drops -i.e. lying down!
Probably groan. Then usually I breastfeed my toddler, who wakes me up most mornings by climbing into the bed next to me.
Look in the mirror,and say well you have another day on this planet!....True.
I open my eyes and smile for the fact that it is another beautiful day!! Then I say hello to my beloved Fur Babies who sleep on the bed, before managing to get my joints and muscles working well enough to get up to take my necessary medication at 6 a.m.,before going out into my garden and pottering for an hour..After this I come inside for a freshly brewed pot of tea so I may get on with the day at hand!
Honestly, the first thing I do is use the toilet! Then coffee while getting breakfast for the kids! If I'm lucky, I am up before they are, in which case I drink coffee and relax with my husband.
I was wondering when someone would bring this one up!!
Yes! It's the truth, I can't do anything else until that task is complete.
I make coffee, then I make breakfast for small people, then I play on fb and here while I drink coffee.
I get up, shower and go to work and then.... I buy a super large coffee that I sometimes sip away at all the way to lunch time.
gayle -you mean it turns into an iced coffee!
Stretching in bed, I do this for approx. 5mins before I rise to make a cup of tea..(it used to be...'have sex'!) ..what happened I say to myself!!!
Wake my daughter then open up all the doors to let in fresh air.
I feed our fluffy black cat or else he meows the house down. He has even caught on that when the morning alarm rings, I'll get up and so it starts from that moment - after the ritual feeding, peace reigns once again.
put my glasses on, look at the time, look out the window to judge the day/weather, into the bathroom, out to the itches, electric jug on, cup of coffee to wash down the tablets, toaster on for 2 slices, more coffee and then - the best part of the day, the crossword. And, if my paper has not been delivered, the entire day is ruined for me. Absolutely ruined. But that doesn't happen often.
lie in for a few minutes as always hard to walk straight away, go to the toilet. then cook breakfast feed the chooks and parrot shower and the day starts.
I try for it to be me taking my tablets but alas I am somewhat forgetful.
At early morning after reaching office i will have my breakfast in office. i will carry it, relax and have .
Use the loo, open my laptop, go for my morning walk. Come home, have a shower, & take my breakfast back to bed, where I eat it, while looking at iview! There! As you can guess, We don’t work nor own pets, We do have kids, but they live in another state!
Besides the 'obvious', then, open doors to air house out. Then have a cold fruit juice. Feed loud, 'starved', & 'unloved' cat, he thinks!
Grab ITablet, back to warm bed, & read the latest.
Only then am I ready to face whatever the day brings on!
Have devotions, freshen myself then make breakfast. I may check the Facebook page I manage and delete spam.
Go for a tinkle, put the kettle on, feed the dogs, then make tea for me and coffee for the man of the house.
Thank God I am alive and ask him for a great day.
me Too, only dont ask for a great day!
I have a stretch and go for a pee.
My day starts with reading my Bible and prayers.
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