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What is the difference between baby blues and post natal depression?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
Parenting (216)      Motherhood (31)      Newborn (4)      Baby Blues (3)      Post Natal Depression (1)     
After having a baby, many women feel irritable, sad and overwhelmed. For most first time mums this is the last thing they expect to feel after the joy and excitement of having a baby.

baby blues, post natal depression, new baby, parenting, motherhood

So what exactly is baby blues? How long does it last? What can you do to feel better? And how is the baby blues different from post natal depression?

If you have suffered from baby blues or post natal depression, how did you cope and what sort of help is available to women going through this? Please share your experiences to help others who may be going through it right now.

#Baby Blues
#Post Natal Depression
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Medicare gives you up to 12 psychologist visits for free per year. Check with your local bulk billing medical centre to see if they have one on site. If unhappy feelings are going on for more than a couple of weeks you should seek help. First step is to go to your local GP and ask for help. You will be glad that you did.
I think that it is about how long it lasts and how much of your life and mental state is affected.
They can combine, yet there is plenty of support available. The body just needs adjusting.
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