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What is the biggest unwanted surprise you've ever had?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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Surprise, element of surprise, unwanted surprise

Whether it was a surprise birthday party or a visit from someone you did not wish to see, what is the biggest surprise that you wish never happened?

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This is easy.

My ex-husband showing up at my front door 2 years ago.

He had come all the way from the States, bless his heart and I had no idea....lucky meeeee?
A cockroach landing on my head in a bar in Samoa. I lost my cool completely and did the 'insect on my person' crazy dance. Just not a fan of those things.
A snake in my wardrobe during a weeding stint on Fraser Island. I mistook it for a rubber one which is sometimes used to scare off birds. My husband caught it in a white plastic bag intending to free it in the bushes, but it poked its head out of the bag as he was carrying it downstairs. Needless to say it experienced a quick free ride down to the ground below, but slithered off into the bushes unharmed.
I had a couple of crabs in my sleeping bag when camping in a tent once.
A birthday party where everyone was invited. I don't really do parties, and in this one I had to play host! Fancy that!
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