What is the biggest things you've learned in life?

Source: Wikipedia
There's always something new to learn everyday in our lives. From people we wet, places we visited and things we did, what is the biggest things in life you've learned by far?
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'This too will pass'. The bad stuff, the stuff that makes you furious will pass, and life will move on and up. But equally, those moments of absolute joy and love and laughter will pass. So take advantage of every moment, and live it to the full.
To do with the flow, to hold your head high and to try to not sweat the small stuff. :)
That most of life's lessons can be learned whilst travelling to different countries around world. Experiencing new cultures, trying new food, exploring new places and meeting new people. Global travel, particularly to developing nations, is truly humbling, and can really change a persons priorities and perspectives on life.
That material goods can be replaced but people cannot!
Stop putting things off until "the time is right" or "you have enough money" (within reason of course). My beautiful Mum & Dad put off their trip of a lifetime for these reasons & after eventually booking their trip, Mum found out she had a terminal illness & passed away very quickly without experiencing her dream. Therefore I try not to put off doing things that I really want to experience.
That you need to look after yourself and should always have a positive attitude. Life is often what you make of it.
That you only have one life, so live it to the fullest!
Everything happens for a reason. If something hasn't worked out, it wasn't meant to be in the first place. Embrace that and move on. More doors will open and you'll be happily surprised where you end up.
Just do it.
Be kind.
What goes around, comes around.
If it's meant to be, it will happen.
That life is what you make it.
To love and Cherish the people around you and let them know. Too much do we love the people in our hearts but our words speak the opposite of how we feel.
Go with the flow.
Nothing is permanent...both the good events, and the not so good events (and circumstances) will pass.
We don't take anything with us when we leave this world. Life is short. Never taken anything for granted.
Never to compromise on what is important to me just to please other people. Also that it's ok to say "No"
Do the things that you want to with your life.
Enjoy the moment: don't wait till you're looking back on it before you realise its worth. Also, that you should seize every opportunity you get, as you only have one chance at life and you should make it the most enjoyable experience you can.
If someone has been mean to you either give it back at that moment or let it go. Holding on to the baggage is bad only for you, the other person is rarely affected. Rather use that time for your loved ones.
The biggest life lesson I have learned so far is, whilst I can love, support and encourage other people, I am only responsible for my life, my choices and my decisions, I can't (and shouldn't) try to take responsibility for other people's journeys, whether it is my child, my spouse or a sibling. We are all responsible for ourselves.
Life never gives you more than you can handle; having lost 2 adult children and battled cancer and cardiac disease, I keep forging ahead!
you sound like a very strong person considering what you've been through!
That people are better off without me
i'm no use to anyone , my Daughter left home 8 mths ago and pretends i'm not here anymore and she seems happy. my son has his own family now and also happy , can't offer any advice on my grandkids ... my hubby has changed , i think he was happier before we met. i'm a burden , they end up with a nice nest egg to set themselves up when i'm gone , hubby no longer pays for all my problems ... therefore i see no purpose to me
never expect other people to back you up. If you've said something say it for your benefit.
To take my time and modesty
To let life unfold at its pace , there is nothing I can do to 'fast forward' the outcome.Enjoy the moment.
Across the board I have learnt that I have no control of any outcome and the the greatest fear is fear itself.
Fear can be an all consuming disease if you let it. Time for he to let go.
Its easier said than done.
I struggled with the fear factor all my life - am almost free of the need for validation.
Finally believe in myself. It is the ultimate freedom .
Being around positive people allows us to feel complete ...
making Choices that allow us to be truthful to ourselves.
learning new things and allowing ourselves to be happy
Having the Ability to help others less fortunate than ourselves
The SUN, does not revolve around me, and it does not shine from my daughters butt.
Listen to that voice inside of you that keeps attracting your attention eg when you get strong feelings from inside that you need to stop being in that situation and you ignore it. Don't let fear keep you in that place where you know deep down you aren't meant to be as it can lead to so much unhappiness further down the line.
I have learned to trust the Serenity Prayer...grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I use it many times daily to know when to let things go, summon up the confidence to do things and the comfort, that finally I trust my own judgement to know this.
The biggest things learnt in life is to show understanding towards all.
Being grateful is the most important.
6trust a stranger over family
ID: 3683