There are 7 steps to smooth legs.
1. Have a warm bath or shower. But avoid using hot water, which can dry out your skin and increase risks of razor burn.
2. Exfoliate your legs using loofah cream.
3. Squirt a dollop of shaving cream onto your hand and lather onto your legs. Be sure to cover every spot, including down to the ankle. If you don't have shaving cream, you can always use; soap, conditioner, shampoo, body wash or shower gel.
4. Shave your legs up against the grain. Rinse the razor under a steam of water after each stroke.
5. Rinse your legs with cool water. Pat you legs dry, taking care not to rub vigorously.
6. Apply a thick layer of lotion, concentrating on the ankles and knees to keep them supple.
7. Finished!