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What is the best way to quit smoking?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
Habits (39)      Smoking (19)     
Image by Oxfordian Kissuth via Wikimedia Commons

What are your ideas, suggestions or tips for quitting smoking?

Many people find it very hard to quit this addictive habit. If you were to advise someone who is trying to quit, what would be your pearls of wisdom?

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An interesting question. Prior to becoming a lawyer, and then a freelance writer, editor and publisher, I was a therapist who used to help people quit smoking cigarettes, and around 95% of my patients successfully quit smoking cigarettes in only one hourly session. Many of my patients were females too. Firstly, you must have a burning desire to quit smoking cigarettes in the first place. Children and health are great motivators from previous therapy experiences.

People want to quit smoking because they're pregnant, and hence don't want to harm their baby. People also quit smoking because they've been diagnosed with a disease of some sort, and some see the need to quit smoking cigarettes to not smell like an ashtray anymore.

Statistically, the general success rates I learnt in my therapy training are as follows:

Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis combined - 85-95% success rate
Traditional hypnosis - 40% success rate (the placebo effect)
Gum and patches - slightly below that of traditional hypnosis.
Willpower alone/cold turkey - 14% success rate

Acupuncture is good, and so are those electronic cigarettes, in making believe that you're still smoking a cigarette, even though you aren't.

See your doctor. My GP provided me with an excellent range of resources when I was trying to quit (although ultimately, getting pregnant and extreme morning sickness was what did it for me!)
I don't know joya. I've never smoked.
by Vee
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