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What is the best way to preserve strawberries?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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With strawberries in season, markets and stores are loaded with them. Often more than one punnet see their way into our homes. What is the best easy to keep them fresh and prevent spoilage?

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Strawberry jam - you can't go wrong! :)
Freezing strawberries is a good way to preserve them, but once they've thawed, they are a little soft, rather than firm. You can use these to make jam or a jelly trifle. You could try drying strawberries at a low heat in the oven, as the lack of moisture will make them last longer. If you want firm, fresh strawberries then keep them in the fridge, and eat them within a week.
Have a look on Google!
There are all kinds of ways to do something like preserve Strawberries.

Freeze them. Or preserve them in sugar syrup.
Balsamic vinegar works a treat and is great tasting too!
Keeping them in the colder section of the fridge can help to keep them
from spoiling. Otherwise, you could try making stawberry roll-ups in the oven.

Great question! I keep them in the top cold section of the fridge, or I freeze them.
I like to freeze strawberries. Great for summer drinks and smoothies.
Freezing strawberries
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