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What is the best way to preserve old photos and negatives?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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preserve photos

If you have old photos, negatives, or certificates, what is the best way to preserve them for future generations?

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You can put the photos in albums with multi-pocket bags. They stick to the photos and protect them from weather and bugs. An important thing to notice is these things should be kept away from sunlight, water, extreme temperature, changing humidity, etc. Basically, these stuffs are delicate and don't survive extreme natural conditions, bugs, rodents. destruction by chemicals or other substances.
I plan to scan all of my old photos and negatives and store them on my computer hard drive. I will also give a copy to my brother in case there is ever a computer crash or disaster so that they can't be lost.
In albums or scan them and save on file.
Thanks for this question and any suggestions are most welcome. I thought retirement would mean scrapbooking, organising photos etc, but I'm just too busy for that.
Scan old photos and upload on google plus. That way you can be sure they would always remain.
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