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What is the best vacation destination in Australia?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by Nachoman-au via Wikimedia Commons

Australia has so many beautiful locations; from the red outback to sandy beaches and lush rain forests. Where is your favourite vacation destination in Australia? What makes it so great?

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I've been to Australia a few times and on my last visit spent quite a bit of time in Brisbane. I was so impressed with the facilities, parks, culture, restaurants and things to do nearby.
My vote would definitely go for Byron Bay. Perfect beaches, dolphins, great eateries, relaxed atmosphere, great monthly market and lots of activities
Anywhere in the Daintree Rainforest. The latter is a remote area, and perfect to unwind in the tropics away from it all. Also love that there is no mobile phone reception up there. Cool.
We went to see the Great Barrier Reef, off of Port Douglas. It was an experience that will live with me till the day I die. The reef is definitely a great wonder of the world, and truly deserves a visit.
Australia is such a AMAZING Country!
You are really on a win-win.

Our Country is diverse to start with, so each State has its own uniqueness and story to tell.You just have to pick a State.... and go from there.

I Love Australia so much, and I was not even born here!
Anywhere beachy - but we had a really great holiday touring SW WA - from Margaret River to Esperance. Just amazing scenery, great wineries and lots of stunning beaches. Was perfect for all ages in our family.
Anywhere in Aus, it's just too hard to choose. Ny husband I are determined to see it all. The whole country is on our bucket list. each time we get to see somewhere we make it off on a wall map. The country is so vast I can't imagine we will ever complete our task.
My vote would definitely go for Byron Bay. Perfect beaches, dolphins, great eateries, relaxed atmosphere, great monthly market and lots of activities
Wilsons Promontory in Victoria is absolutely stunning and I'd recommend everyone check it out at some stage in their life.
We don't go on holidays in Australia, except to visit our daughter & 2 granddaughters in Melbourne, 4/5 times a year. We did have a week on Brampton Island, in June '69 though, & would love to return, but I can't find any hotels there. When I look on line, they tell me of hotels 30K's away!! Hasn't been rebuilt since the cyclone about 20 years ago???
by Miro
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