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What is the best practical joke you have ever played on someone?

by Polly (follow)
Yankee Doodle Dandy
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Phone books stacked in front of someone's office.
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What is the best practical joke you have ever played on someone?

#Practical Jokes
#Funny Jokes
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I have a intense hatred for them.

I got caught once, and was told something that made me so very very very happy.

Only to find out it was all a lie.I was totally shattered, and people were laughing, and inside I was dying.

Never did fully forget the pain, it caused me.
That's horrible. Practical jokes are supposed to make you laugh. Not cry.
by Polly
That is truly awful, jonaj. May they rot in you know where. I loathe nasty jokes. People who get their kicks from hurting others are the lowest of the low. Here is a big hug for you . . . catch! ٩◔̯◔۶
by Rice
Hugs back : )
by jonaja
I am sorry to read that jonaj. I don't agree with a joke if it hurts someone. Not a joke at all. X
by annfi
Its been so long I can't even recall. After high school I don't think I partook in these thypes of activities.
Its been so long I can't even recall. After high school I don't think I partook in these thypes of activities.
Its been so long I can't even recall. After high school I don't think I partook in these thypes of activities.
Told my ex that our newly built and being filled swimming pool had overflowed everywhere. OMG. Daughter and I laughed so much . . .he nearly broke the land speed record getting outside. LOL LOL
by Rice
I knew you had a great sense of humor.
by Polly
Yes, Polly, I spend a lot of time laughing . . . such good medicine. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
I enjoy a good joke and nothing mean. I think all the folk on here seem to share good humour. Nice place :-)
by Rice
I've never played a practical joke on someone.
I agree with Rice. The more I get to know the people on this website, the more it restores my faith in humanity. I am so glad to be part of your community. Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi! :) Your crazy American friend.
Woohoo! We can "yank" your chain!! Hehehehehehehe!! :-)))))
by Rice
Yes. Please.
by Polly
Our friend who owned a shop left his A frame advertising board on the footpath after closing time. Fearing someone would vandalise it, we stopped and put it in the car.
I had the idea that we could imitate the kidnapped gnome idea, using his A frame. We spoke to his shop assistant to let her know we had it then we had our fun.
We gathered lots of props and my young son and his friend who were about 7. First we took the sign to the bus depot one of the boys hid under so his arms showed and he had a suitcase. The A frame had a side for writing - so we wrote "See ya. I'm off" . We proceeded to take photos of the A frame at popular tourist locations- the beach with towel and suntan lotion( Ahh. tthis is the life! ) a popular lookout(Great View) , outside a men's club ( Hubba Hubba) , Southbank etc. in Chinatown we found another A frame with Chinese writing, so a boy got under each sign and held hands with the words -My long lost friend!
We had the photos developed and posted one each day to the shop owner. He contacted the newspaper, who made a story of it. It was very funny. He didn't guess it was us. We would go into his shop and he would say- I know who did it (but was wrong)
After a few weeks we returned the sign with the words - I'm back! . The newspaper did a second story. Our friend got some great free publicity and everyone who visited his shop was talking about it.
We told him years later that it was us.

I have more. I love good practical jokes.
by annfi
That's awesome! Keep 'em coming!!!!!!
by Polly
by Rice
Another practical joke that went well was my husband's idea. He wanted to go to his 40th birthday party in disguise. Knowing that I had been invoved with theatre and interested in stage makeup, asked if I could make him up. He suggested that I make him look old. I said I could but it would be more convincing if he shaved part of his head. Although prior to the current trend of shaved heads, he agreed..
I shaved the middle from his hair and cut the sides short. I bleached his remaining hair and then sprayed it with grey hairspray. I bought grey hair from a theatrical supply shop and gave him wirey eyebrows and moustache. I drew lines on his face with a brown eyebrow pencil following his natural creases. He wore a pair of half spectacles and his suit.
The trick went much better than we imagined. His brother, sisters and his own children didn't recognise him! He didn't disguise his voice and I introduced him as a friend of my Mother's.
Out of 63 guests- only 3 recognised him straight away. One was a police officer.
As guests realised I would just signal subtly to keep it to themselves. It was amazing. At one point he needed some attention to his makeup. I took him to a mirror and saw the shocked expression on his face when he saw himself.
The following day he shaved the rest of his hair. Twenty years later people still talk about it.
He should have acted like "Bad Grandpa." Awesome practical joke!
by Polly
Another practical joke that went well was my husband's idea. He wanted to go to his 40th birthday party in disguise. Knowing that I had been invoved with theatre and interested in stage makeup, asked if I could make him up. He suggested that I make him look old. I said I could but it would be more convincing if he shaved part of his head. Although prior to the current trend of shaved heads, he agreed..
I shaved the middle from his hair and cut the sides short. I bleached his remaining hair and then sprayed it with grey hairspray. I bought grey hair from a theatrical supply shop and gave him wirey eyebrows and moustache. I drew lines on his face with a brown eyebrow pencil following his natural creases. He wore a pair of half spectacles and his suit.
The trick went much better than we imagined. His brother, sisters and his own children didn't recognise him! He didn't disguise his voice and I introduced him as a friend of my Mother's.
Out of 63 guests- only 3 recognised him straight away. One was a police officer.
As guests realised I would just signal subtly to keep it to themselves. It was amazing. At one point he needed some attention to his makeup. I took him to a mirror and saw the shocked expression on his face when he saw himself.
The following day he shaved the rest of his hair. Twenty years later people still talk about it.
I only reported this because it is a duplicate of the story above. Which I am voting for. That was awesome!
by Polly
Thanks Polly. Sorry it was posted twice.
by annfi
The worst practical joke I played on someone would of been at my cousin's 16th birthday, we were all girls and I crawled under the canopy and put a plastic spider in one of the girl's drinking glass. Afew minutes later I heard a scream!
by Polly
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