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What is the best job in the world?

by chipp (follow)
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There are many jobs out there, some which you like and some which you hate. If money was not a focus, what do you think would be the best job in the world?

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MY JOB - LOL. I travel, write, see people and I am MUM! I guess I like to keep busy! ;)
The best job in the world is the one that challenges you, makes you feel fulfilled, and gives you something to look forward to every day. Every job has down days, and moments where you just don't feel like doing it, but if you can find a job that meets these three things more often than not, you've got it made. This will be different for every person obviously - for me, it's writing, for others office jobs, being a stay at home parent, or working a few part time jobs. And that's the beauty of it - you don't have to fit a preconceived notion to have the best job in the world!
Being a writer and looking after animals.
Being selfless and helping others in a way that impacts their lives in unimaginable, positive ways!
Not being a CEO.

Something creative and true to yourself.
Although I like working as it is a challenge, perhaps the best job in being retired!
Does this classify as a "job"?

by Finy
Finy, of course! In many cases, who ELSE looks after Grandkids?
For me, THE biggest plus of Retirement, is no time CONSTRAINTS! Can do whatever, whenever. Much better than the strict regimen of paid work! Lol!
by donjo
Professional diver. If I were starting out again, I'd do that any day over working in an office!
My maternal Grandfather had to wear one of those old fashioned helmeted diving suits when he worked as a bridge pylon builder, way back when!
by donjo
Best job in the world is what ever makes you happy in your world if your not happy what u do it's not the best
The one you absolutely adore, & can't understand that you actually get PAID to do it!

I had a job like that, for 45 years', with different Companies, though!
Rare, very rare!
Probably anything to do with the travel industry. Going to different places around the world and having your travel and accommodation paid for. Being a travel reporter on ' Getaway ' would be a great job, but then again, if you are travelling the globe, you would miss important family occasions such as birthdays and weddings. I imagine that you would get lonely if you were away from home for long periods.
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