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What is the best cheese for nibbles?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
Food (698)      Cheese (17)      Entertaining (7)     

Do you have a favourite cheese? There are so many available now, just in the supermarkets. French washed rinds, Blue castello, hard swiss and good old tasty cheese. Goats cheese, ricotta and haloumi are now regular pre-dinner fare.

What do you put out, when people come for drinks?

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Brie seems to be the most popular with guests so I make sure I always have some on hand.
A great Western Australian variety which I discovered when I moved over here 20 years ago is the Margaret River Cheese Company's baked ricotta. I haven't bought it for a while, however, and just noticed on the company's website that due to a fire in their factory late last year, they're unable to produce it at the moment. Hopefully this is temporary, though, as it's really yummy...great as part of a larger cheese platter or even just to munch on, alone.
For dipping bread sticks, then cream cheese is the best. But if you are having crackers, then I like brie, which you can spread. I also like to use cheddar in thin slices. I do not think crumbly cheese work so well for nibbles.
I tend to go with Brie too , and then something stronger (washed rinds are often stinky but not as daunting as a blue)
I can never go by a good brie! So, so nice.
Brie is lovely, but not to everyone's taste. I like mature Cheddar, with a lovely chutney or onion jam. Stilton is also nice, but again not everyone will enjoy such a blue cheese.
I'd go for a Brie. A soft cheese definitely.
Brie or camembert.
by Gia
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