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What is a good age to introduce an ATM card to your child?

by chipp (follow)
Money (149)      Children (252)      Education (92)     

Money management is one of the more important life skills to learn. Teaching your children how to management money comes with introducing them to savings and of course an ATM card.

What is a good age to introduce an ATM card to your child?

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I would say about 10 or 11 years of age.
Teaching them how it works is a good idea from about ten, but they shouldn't actually be using these things until 16, I don't think.
I think there is a bank condition where parents have to sign as guarantor. Not entirely sure but I think about 12 is a good idea to learn about the ins and outs of money!
I was 15 when I got a ATM card and I think I did pretty well! my daughter just got one of her own and she is 15. Of course I did show her the ropes with my card when she was 11. who knows what kind of emergency situations we could have run into that required her to use my card:-)
When they get their own job and start to earn their own money! Otherwise they'll just think money comes out of a machine and you don't have to do anything to get it. I would encourage a part time job once kids are old enough if they are interested and it wouldn't interfere with study.
Good question. I'll think about the answer when my son gets closer to this step.
by Vee
When they have become a Teenager, it's a lovely idea to make a thing of it.
Helps them to feel more grown up, and having a 'pin number'.Maybe a key card.
Also great way for them to now learn more about saving money, and being more careful 'what' they spend money on.
We never did! I guess they taught themselves, when they started work! (I have still never used 1, as I like taking my bankbook inside the bank, so the staff still keep their jobs. As it is now, theirs only 1/2 the staff at our local bank as from about 2 years ago)
by Miro
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