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What, if anything, embarrasses you?

by Finy (follow)
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Does anything ever embarrass you?

If so, what?

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I don't get easily embarrased however I feel horribly embarrassed when one friend of mine almost always sends something back when we eat out.

I find that awful as perhaps I am not assertive enough and will put up with a small thing being wrong, and I hate when people pick on something really petty, and have to complain.

That is only one but cannot think of another!
by Finy
One of my aunts loves making a scene when in a restaurant. She will send things back to the kitchen if they aren't perfect, she will berate the staff in the middle of the dining area if she perceives the service to be sub-par, she will ask to speak to the manager if she dissatisfied with how 'issues' are resolved. When my family gets together, we have to talk to her ahead of time to remind her that we consider this behavior to be unacceptable and highly embarrassing. She has toned it down as the years go by, but still goes all out on occasion.
Oh that is terrible. I worked as a waitress for a short stint, and there is nothing more humiliating than having somebody go off their rocket at you, especially if it is not your fault.
by Vee
Best way to fix your Aunt's habit.
Everyone get up, and move to another table...or...leave.
She's won't ever do it again, for fear of that happening again from all of you. :)
by jonaja
Oh! dgrwriting.....why don't you just dump her from your social gatherings? She's proven she can't be 'trusted', I would assume on several occasions, & is STILL doing it, even though you're warning her? Geeeesh!

She needs a good kick where it hurts ie in her 'presumed' holier than thou social status. There's no way I'd put up with the actions of this woman ruining ANY social occasion of mine!
She sounds as if she's 'a sandwich short of a picnic', well & truly!
by donjo
Are people like this not aware that the staff spit and do worse to their food when they carry on like this??!! Heck, I am always super nice to wait staff and am always treated really nicely.
by Rice
Now that I think about it, I find I embarrass easily. I hold myself to a high standard, and when I don't meet those expectations for whatever reason, I find it embarrassing. Often others don't even realize I am embarrassed.
I have to agree with you, I'm the same.
by jonaja
Can't think of anything but sure I am sometimes...
by Fran
Being shouted at in public, especially by somebody I care about.
by Vee
been there done that, it's just awful.
by jonaja
Got my vote :((
by Rice
Body Odor. If I'm doing some work around the yard and somebody shows up before I get a chance to take a shower. Yikes!!!!!
Making a mistake or get something wrong.
Making a noise in a quiet room.
Practically everything embarrasses me. I'm very insecure.
Bryony, I have to say that for somebody who has achieved quite a bit - especially having been published - you should give yourself more credit. When I saw and read some of your work, I was admittedly intimidated. I too am insecure, so I understand what it's like, but be kind to yourself woman.

P.S. I relish in making sounds in a quiet room. Unless, of course, these sounds involve passing gas of any kind.
by Vee
I too must agree with Vee.
I see you in a far far different light.
Your very talented,and gifted,and I don't tell lies.

by jonaja
Thank you both, but while I might be good at writing, practically every other aspect of life I fail in. And just because you are good at something does not equate to confidence or a lack of embarrassment.
Yes Bryony, I understand what you are saying and people telling you you "should" or "should not" be like how you are, does not help -it has to come from within.
Perhaps as you get older (assume you are quite young, you may feel different-I hope so!
by Finy
As I've got older I have started to care less and less about what others think about me, so hopefully that will make me feel more confident in the future.
Bryony, I hear you and that sounds all too familiar.
by Vee
. . high five. I am getting better as I age, so there's hope for you :-) In the meantime, we can sit in that corner together. I find it amazing when some people can do the most embarrassing things and just not care. "Them" and "us" . . . LOL
by Rice
Some people don't mind or like being in the lime light, but like you, I don't like anything that draws attention to myself.
When I call somebody by the wrong name!
been there done that...lol.
by jonaja
Where do I start?
I'm even embarrassed to lust them....really!

Old school and all that.
OMG!! did I just write 'l u s t'

Now that is funny & embarrassing :(
It should say 'list'.
by jonaja
LMAO! I was confused there for a second.
by Vee
but? if I was from NZ?

It would sound o.k.....yes?
by jonaja
It would sound alright, but still read wrong. :-P
by Vee
Not many things do embarrass me. But I agree with the restaurant situation - I don't like when people make a fuss over something petty
by AJ
Sometimes the things that embarrass me don't have anything to do with me.
The TV show Bachelor (with all the desperate girls running after/competing for one bloke) I cannot watch that show as I get so embarrassed on the part of the girls.
If I make a fool of myself & stuff up big time! Only happens once in a blue moon, but it annoys the proverbial out of me!
Being made a 'fuss of'!

When at School Speech Night, I had to collect TWO Trophies' for Swimming. One for Senior Swimmer ie School Champion. One for Open Champion ie Best Overall, all strokes.
When my introduction came over the PA, the person presenting grabbed my left arm & held it up like what happens to a Champion Boxer at end of bout!
I could feel that my neck & face were getting red!
Walking back to my seat, I passed my Mother, who said to me 'you're as red as a beetroot'!
Of course, that made things worse, & I got hotter!
I don't get embarrassed very easily.
I get embarassed if someone compliments me on some thing. or if I need to go to the toilet and do a number two.
I think I was born embarrassed. I'll just sit in the corner with Bryony. Maybe it's a British thing . . . we are all a bit stiff upper lip, you know.
by Rice
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