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What hygiene precautions do you take in public toilets?

by grann (follow)
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Public toilet

The media bombards us with research designed to frighten the life out of us. All sorts of everyday situations are swabbed for their germ populations. The public toilet is an old favourite, along with kitchen sponges. Do you have a method or two for avoiding the nasties in public toilets?

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I only use a clean toilet if I'm out and about. Try to avoid needing to by getting kids to go to the toilet before they leave home, but sometimes it is unavoidable. If the place/toilet doesn't look clean, I wouldn't use it. Mind you, I have never known anyone to actually pick up an illness from using a public toilet, so perhaps the hype is unfounded.
Or maybe its all those other people cleaning with special anti-bacterial wipes that is keeping us all germ free.
If you got sick from using a public toilet how would you ever know that there was were you picked it up? It's not like things like gastro kick in instantly.
I prefer to only go in a toilet that looks clean, but that's more of an aesthetic thing than a germ thing.

The big one is just washing your hands, and washing them properly. So many people don't and it's gross! We have a responsibility not to make ourselves and other people sick when it can be so easily prevented.

I think anti-bacterial wipes and hand sanitiser are a bit of a con. Using hand sanitiser isn't actually a substitute for washing your hands with soap as it does not do the same thing (it will kill bacteria but not actually get dirt and fecal matter off your hands properly) and it breeds tougher germs which is bad for everyone. Those ads for motion activated hand sanitiser dispensers crack me up, trying to get you worried about the germs on the soap pump, which you only touch right BEFORE you wash your hands.
Like most of us, if possible I try to avoid particularly gross public loos. However, in general if I need to use a public toilet I try not to sit right on the seat, if I can do so without making a mess.
For myself, I've got to say I don't take too many precautions. I stay away from particularly grim looking toilets and if someone's been kind enough to leave their offerings in, around and in the toilet seat, that gets a wide berth from me too. Now that my toddler is also using public toilets I do now carry some anti bacterial wipes and I do use these to clean areas if necessary before he uses the toilet. He's not yet got the hang of keeping fingers out if his face/mouth etc in dirty places. Oddly, being a bit of a spiderphobe, I do check for bugs especially in public toilets in parks and outside etc.
I use those sheets to place on top of the toilet seat that are provided in shopping centres. I always wipe the seat with some toilet paper before I sit down. If soap is unavailable, I keep some Dettol sanitiser with me.
For me, I hate public toilets.

But we sometimes have to use them, I went to one the other day that had in mind-'Muslim ladies'.......I thought that was pretty neat.

It had a sanitizer you use, inside the toilet-with toilet paper. I loved the idea.

I now think all of us girls could do with that idea, and I am hoping it will be introduced soon,to all female toilets.

I am very careful after washing my hands when ever I use the toilets, to not put my bare hands on any door nob too.
I also think we should carry a small wet-ones (purse size) with us at all times

P.S. grann keep these interesting questions coming!!! love them ;)
by jonaja
Three things for me:
1. Use only if you REALLY have to!
2. Build up enough strength in your legs to be able to "hover"! :)
3. Take a shower when you come home!!!
Choose a relatively clean one if you can. I think some public toilets have a spray for you to wipe the seats, so there is no need to hover.
'Hovering' is the best way. Otherwise, if you have to, wipe with paper, then lay paper on seat before sitting - and make sure there is paper in the bowl to avoid splashing!
I actually avoid going to the toilet in public.
The only ones I go to generally are those great ones that self clean each time you go in, and also at a local shopping centre, they have ones where you dont have to touch the taps.
However you still have to touch the inside doors and press the button! I would prefer neither of these as have a real phobia about public toilets.

However, what can you actually catch from a toilet seat -I don't think there are many things, and it is just something I was taught at a young age.
by Finy
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