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What has been your most romantic experience?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by Casa Fragma via Wikimedia Commons

What has been your most romantic experience? What is that special experience that will forever be etched in your memory?

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Oh my goodness, there are so many. Having bumped into a man, who I met at tafe after finishing high school, a mere 18 months after graduating. We were just friends/acquaintances while studying, and he asked me out when we bumped into each other by pot luck 12 years ago. He brought me a red rose on our "first date," even though he frankly declared that "love was not on my mind," yet we enjoyed a long, marriage like relationship where he did propose.
I hate romance and relationships. The most romantic moment I have ever had was when I was 10. An 8 year old boy at play scheme had a crush on me and kept pestering me. I agreed to exchange a kiss on the cheek if he promised to leave me alone.
My most romantic experience was hearing a man laughing, looking up and seeing
a man who I was drawn too instantly.Someone I knew was to be part of my life, and that it was at that one moment that our paths crossed in our lives.
He told me later the very same thing.
We were both instantly drawn to each other, like magnets! In the back of our minds, we both knew it would not be for life, but the time we had (a good few years) was for us.
And it was.
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