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What has been your most humbling experience?

by EricaL (follow)
Life (383)      Lessons (4)     
A humbling experience can be defined as one that puts life into perspective, even if only for a short time in which you are put into a situation.

A humbling experience might be meeting a special individual, for others it could be exploring a new place, experiencing a wonder of nature, or helping those in need.

Perhaps you've experienced a time when you felt somewhat insignificant during a time of wonder, or felt a sense of realisation and admiration.

What has been your most humbling, potentially life-changing experience to-date?

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Falling into a state of depression and getting the help I needed has been the biggest life changing experience I have experienced so far. It has led me to seeing everything in life differently, to build up confidence and hope in all things, to be stronger to develop passions and hobbies I didn't do before and to meet some amazing people.
When you loose all material possessions and realize that the most important thing in your life is your family and friends. Irreplaceable.
Becoming a parent was the most humbling experience for me. To know that I was now responsible for this tiny little being really made me put my child's needs before mine.
Engaging in a silent meditation retreat for 10-days straight. No talking, no writing, no mobile phones...nothing, and just you. You're being pampered and fed healthy, vegetarian food at the same time.
About 10 months ago...I started with a few other women....visiting the 'girls' who work in Brothels.

We are a team who make sure the 'girls' are ok, and if they need help to leave that job.

When you see how sad it is for them, and how they feel.....it is very much a
wake up experience for us, and very humbling too.(We all belong to a Ministry) and have a calling for this.
Losing a parent to a life-threatening illness - you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone :/
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