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What gross things have you done for love?

by Vee (follow)
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I recently read an article listing some of the ‘gross things’ people have done and continue to do for love and was amused to read about a man who helped his wife trim her lady garden following the birth of their child because she couldn’t reach to do it herself. That is the epitome of love!

What 'gross' things have you done for love and where do you draw the line?

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I don't think a man shaving his wife's pubes for her is gross, though I'm kind of puzzled as to why you would bother to do it right after having a baby.

I haven't really done anything gross for romantic love but I'm a parent, so I change nappies and clean up vomit for love.
Wow. I really don't know how to answer this question!
I thought I did . . . then it looked really gross, so I erased it. LOL
by Rice
Leaving this one alone, although don't think I've really ever done anything gross for love!
The grossest thing I have done for love is to be the official diaper changer and baby butt cleaner in our marriage. Believe me this can be pretty gross. Prettyy groooossss.
I know!!
by Vee
I just would never 'go-there', love or no love.
Gross I don't do.
I didnt answer this before as I was going to be sarcastic in my answer however now I WILL answer it AND be sarcastic and bitter.

so now I have thought of a new answer but it is not publishable I'm afraid!!
by Finy
Oh no Finy, my imagination is running wild!
by Vee
good, Vee!!!
by Finy
No, it's not! LOL!
by Vee
My grandfather used to joke about his wedding vows - that he "took her for better or worse but she turned out worse than he took her for"...

But seriously, I said "in sickness & health, and better or worse" and I meant it, so call it gross or whatever, I will be there for the crappy stuff just as much as as I will be for the happy stuff. No one ever said we had to enjoy it, but how can we expect our partners to stick by us through the "gross" stuff if we don't do the same for them?
by kimp
Good one parks.
by Vee
Too gross to mention
by Gia
You have me intrigued, Gia.
by Vee
I'm with Finy, it was bad, so I erased it. Bodily fluids etc. Gross.
by Rice
Yep Rice - me too. Didn't seem gross at the time - only looking back!
by norma
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