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What gifts are on your wishlist this Christmas?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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Photo by Arnoldius, wikimedia commons

We all love gifts and Christmas brings many. What has caught your eye this year? What gifts are on your Christmas wishlist?

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How big a nerd does it make me if my answer is books, books, and more books? On second thoughts, I don't care. Books!
Oh that is easy!

1. to go to the toilet and have a shower without interruption.
2. to have a conversation with some one and be able to finish it.
3. one full day where my daughters don't argue, fight, or pick on one another.
4. to get up and find all my house work done.

That's it.
And the odds of you getting your gift? ;)
There are quite a few things that have caught my eye this year. One being a fluffy chicken pen. I don't really need much, but it was really cute. Another being a wood-fire pizza oven. This would be such an awesome gift to have.
When my Mom died when I was 14 I lost all interest in Christmas. And now, having kids I thought it would get better, but I find that Christmas is just a huge marketing campaign that keeps people spending money unnecessarily. I try to get into the Christmas spirit of things, however for me the best gift is time where I can not only spend two hours doing my favorite sport but also time with the family!
I'd like a new coffeemaker for Christmas, one with a carafe. I am so sick of burnt coffee!
It might sound a little odd, but I would like to get a nice mountain bike or road bike for Christmas.
I already know what I'm getting for Christmas because I was there when they were bought. My wishlist was promptly ticked off: Harry Potter wands and collectible teddy bears. I'm looking forward to them.
I would love my Son to come and finish the job he already started on my Bathroom.Hook up the plumbing and then after 13 months, we can have a shower in our own bathroom!

(We have facilities where we live so we can use them)....but still would be wonderful to have my Bathroom fixed.
p.s....Yes that is a pic of my Bathroom!!!!
by jonaja
Have you dropped a few hints??
Yes....I have dropped many many many hints!!! and still no Bathroom. :(
by jonaja
I think the best thing I could get would be plane tickets overseas so that I can explore the world!
Peace on earth and goodwill to mankind. It's been said many times but has never been achieved. Let's make the year of the horse the year that everyone is nice to each other and families get together to celebrate Christmas.
What a timely question. I have a few things I'll be shopping for next month: a new dress, watch and wallet. My partner already wants to buy me the wallet :) A burmese cat will be great too :) Otherwise I wish for my family to be well and healthy :)
That's so funny......lol
by jonaja
I'm going to continue to improve my health this year and I've requested a Vegetarian Cookbook by Joel Fuhrman. That's about it as far as gifts go. I'd like to see improved health for everyone in general especially those of my friends who have battled breast cancer... You know who you are...

A good prognosis for my husband who is presently being operated on for prostate cancer.
Christmas has arrived early. All post-op pathology has been returned clear!
by grann
Oh how wonderful.... :)
by jonaja
Anything hand made with love.
by Lucy
Anything hand made with love.
by Lucy
I'd like a hand picked hamper made with all my favourite foods - cheeses, homemade jam, crackers and chocolate. It would be fun I'd like a hand
picked hamper made with all my favourite foods - cheeses, homemade jam, crackers and chocolate. It would be fun to share it!to share it!
This was interesting reading everyone's answers - very few wanted actual material things, which is what we are likely to get. I don't really need anything, so I was looking for gift ideas to give others - but it's unlikely I'm fixing anyone's bathroom anytime soon...
My mum asked me the other day, and I said I'd have a think, but I normally ask for stuff from Lush - I like it, use it but it's too $$ to buy for myself - so if I don't think of anything soon, I'm guessing that's what I'll get...
LOL......LOL.....LOL.....LOL.....I nearly fell off my chair, love your sense of humour!
That made my day :)

Guess what! he said he will come tomorrow, to finish the job! so 20 days left till Christmas day, I get a very well needed early Christmas presant. Yaaaaa.!!
by jonaja
I am going crazy looking for a good mixer-blender. All are having terrible reviews. Good ones are out of budget. At this moment on my wishlist is a mixer-grinder-blender from India....
Hopefully a holiday away! anywhere will do.
Candles and a new TV
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