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What form of Yoga do you practice?

by pippa (follow)
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Image from justcarehealth.com.

If you like yoga and practice it, which kind do you do?

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Do not have any interest in it, lots of people do I know, just never had much appeal for some reason.
I remember back in the very early 70's we had a Indian lady on t.v. who went through the exercises.
I like yoga and I used to belong to a yoga class but I have no idea what kind of yoga it was! In fact, at the time I didn't know there were different kinds of yoga.....
Now my health is such that even yoga is too much for my body to cope with so I can't do any kind.
I'd love to start taking yoga classes, really interests me
I love yoga and try to do it as often as possible, which is not enough at the moment. I don't know what kind of yoga I do in the class I take sometimes to be honest! I just know that I love it and come away from it feeling super refreshed, almost like I just had a massage.
No form.
by Vee
None. I am not into it at all.
by Gia
Hatha yoga, though I haven't been to classes in a long time.
My wife and I do a yoga video often before bed. It's suppose to calm the body before sleep, and we both find it really works, we always feel more relaxed after doing it, but there is no mention as to what kind of yoga is done in the video.
The 'Nothing' kind!
Not difficult to practise at all!
Beats the hell outta bicycle riding, or jogging! Lol!
Generally Hatha.
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