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What does your skirt length say about you?

by annep (follow)
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mini skirt
A mini-skirt and mini-dress in the 70s - Photo: Ed Uthman, Wikimedia Commons

Let's talk about skirts today. Skirts are a popular item in our wardrobe, making us ladies look more feminine yet fashionable. However, to many women, the task of choosing the right skirt length is as much of an ordeal as it is a pleasure.

The unfortunate truth is that we are suffering from the judgements that society imposes on our gender. From the ridiculous guidance on underwear issued by UBS two years ago to the recent discriminative memo from Clifford Chance, professional women are having to tolerate what seems to be sexism. Young women get it the hardest, having to deal with hash judgement by others based on the way they dress themselves while trying to express their youthfulness and their personalities.

So, what does your skirt length say about you?

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If you wear a skirt that doesn't cover up your thighs and shows off your knickers when bending over, then it says that you have no self-decency. It also says that you think it is all right for women to be sexualised objects. At least in my opinion.

If you are wearing tights or shorts underneath, then it is fine to wear skirts that come just above the knee, otherwise a skirt should be at least knee length. It is a matter of self respect and social etiquette. Not everyone wants to see your body out on display.
This question shouldn't even be up for debate. People have no right to judge others, full stop, let alone based on a skirt length.
The fact is people DO judge others.
by annep
As does smoking a cigarette! Freedom of Choice, dearies, whether someone else likes it or not. At least with a cigarette, it does not advertise 'available for casual sex' as some may claim.
by delbr
I guess this problem is more of a concern to younger women, since if you notice, young professional women are being criticised more on this by older female colleagues than their male supervisors. Just as you can be more comfortable with trousers, some people might say that they feel better with short reveal skirts because they make them confident and help show off their figure. It's the standard of what is "decent and trustworthy" that is bothering us.
For example, a middle age woman might look good in a loose-fitting knee-length or longer skirt, but on a young woman, the skirt might appear matronly or simply old fashioned.
I think it is ridiculous that anyone is required to take the subject of skirt length seriously at all. I wonder if it would be debated if more men wore skirts.

Most of the time I wear trousers because I find them more practical, but when I wear skirts I pretty much only wear loose flowing ankle length ones because that's what I'm comfortable in. What does that say about me? Um... I think the message is basically "hippy." I wear shorter dresses with stockings sometimes in cooler weather. I can't say I've ever taken into consideration whether other people would approve of their length or not. It's more about whether I like the way I look in the dress.
If too short and tight - that is at high thigh level - you're known as a slut or similar. Whereas, if your skirt is knee length or slightly higher - then you're perceived as being a decent, trustworthy person.
I agree with Clare. It's nothing to do with anyone what you wear. I understand that some people are still in judgemental mind frames due to the society we live in, but we have to try and change that..
In the 1960's you saw women wearing mini skirts all the time.It was the fashion,but they took little or no consideration for others when they sat down,or bent down.

They showed(just because of lack of material) their underwear...You would see them facing people on the bus(in those days) and trains, and trying to cross their legs.Then you saw a lot of thigh.

We all have to go out in public, so if you don't like the stares & glares!.Wear something that will not draw attention to yourself.

Should people walk around with 'blinkers on maybe', so that a person can have that free-will to dress how they like.

It's not ridiculous talking about this topic, it's been around now for some 50 Long Years.

If we are still talking about it,then it is a bone of contention.

To some modesty is important and wearing mini skirts is not really in that category.

It is a fashion trend, that broke all the boundaries.One that was controversial.

Still is today because of it's short comings.

No matter how you wear a Mini skirt, it will never give the correct amount of material to not show something, at some time.
The whole reason for this topic right now in 2013 is the view of piece of fashion.

It would seem modesty to some is still important, and has not quite been killed off.

But then again, there are those who dislike the word modesty, it brings to mind suppression.

Does your skirt length say anything about you? I guess it says you think you have great legs or are a slave to fashion. That's about it.
I had an ankle length business skirt once and that prompted as many comments (more actually) than the miniskirt one. ha! Women can't win!
Personally I wear knee length skirts when I wear a skirt (I wear jeans a lot) but I don't think it is up to others to make judgements on what people wear, although I have been guilty of that myself in the past. Minis were the thing in the 60s and were frowned upon by the establishment, so it seems nothing changes.

What I find sad is seeing a young overweight girl trying to look good in a mini when her mother or friends should have told her to wear what suits her size and build. On the other hand some young girls look great in a little mini and can wear it well - yes, I know they still have to sit down and perhaps give inadvertant flashes but it was the same in the 60s - trying to keep your modesty when wearing a skirt just covering your butt!
Absolutely nothing.
by Finy
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