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What does the term natural childbirth mean to you?

by lizzi (follow)
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I often hear the question "did you/she have a natural birth?" and was wondering what your understanding of "natural childbirth" is?

#Vaginal birth
#Natural birth
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I've seen so many women describe induced births with epidurals as natural that I now refuse to use the word natural. I now say unhindered birth because that really describes what I mean. Furthermore it isn't natural to be on your back to push a baby out but that's how most women in hospitals do it, so unhindered means that not only are there no drugs, but the woman is free to move instinctively.
For me, "natural childbirth" means a vaginal and drug-free delivery.
by Vee
I hear a lot of women describe their induced labour, with epidural and vacuum or forceps as "natural" and it just irks me - none of those things are found in nature!! And I wonder if it has to do with the fact that we (as a society, not us specifically) have an issue with the word vagina. Wouldn't it be less complicated to just say "vaginal birth" or "caesarean"? For me personally a natural birth is one that takes place without any intervention. As a birth doula I support women to birth in whatever way they feel is best for them - but I also encourage correct terminology - intervention free vaginal birth, medically managed vaginal birth, caesarean section etc. There's nothing wrong with not have a "natural" birth (nature isn't always best - bushfires, cyclones, floods, ebola...), or not wanting a natural birth, but call it what it is!!!
A birth that doesn't have any intervention through c-section, epidurals, or where the baby is induced.
No drugs to help with the pain, and just letting the baby come when ready.
Good question. Sometimes when people use the term they just mean a vaginal rather than caesarean birth, though many hospital births aren't what I'd call natural. I would say it means a birth with little or no medical intervention (drug free, allowed to happen in its own time). And don't get me wrong, by saying this I'm not judging people who need or opt for medical interventions.
I think a lot of people mean it to be a vaginal delivery rather than drug free. The number of truly natural, drug free, medical intervention free births would be very low these days.
For me it's a vaginal delivery without the aid of any drugs.
I guess no forceps, no caesarean is what I call a natural birth.
I don't know why there is such anti agains non-natural methods (not numbers).
I wish I had ended up with a caesaren section instead of forceps. I think women underestimate the terrible damage done to babies by forceps deliveries. Caesarean sections are a pretty safe delivery method. Also I can't understand any woman complaining about drugs during delivery. Jeebus, try telling that to someone who gave birth before the last 20 years.
To me natural means at home with no pain relief or no more than gas and air.
To me natural is undisturbed, unintervened birth.

But if a women tells me she had a natural birth, then I accept that, because her perception in what matters.

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