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What does it take to be a godmother?

by Justine Crowley (follow)
Independent Business Consultant, Doctor, HubGarden Editor and Author/Publisher of four self help books: www.smashwords.com/profile/view/JustineCrowley
Parenting (216)      Motherhood (31)     

being a godmother, becoming a godmother, baptism
Image courtesy of tungphoto / freedigitalphotos.net A godmother holding onto a babys hand

Becoming a God mother to a baptised child is something special, albeit life changing. You don't have to come from that particular child's baptised family in order to be selected. You can be a friend or trusted colleague. There is some commitment involved. What does it really take? Would you want to become one?


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Love. Commitment. Determination. Belief in God/Jesus. Care. Generosity. It is rewarding.
Someone who has strong faith and values, loving, caring, committed and has a mother figure who can be good role model to the child.
I think it depends on the situation and also the expectations of the parent. I'm a god parent to 4 children in total and have different relationships with each. The basics of love, care, valued and commitment are present for each but my role is different. With one child, I'm the nominated guardian in the event of the parents' death. For two of the children I'm expected to back up the faith and spiritual beliefs of the parents and for the final one, they just wanted a christening party so whilst its an honour, the parents made no secret that they have no expectations of the god parent other than the basic love my child request. I haven't seen my own god parents since I was about 5 so I'm not the biggest advocate of suggesting kids need god parents but I'm trying to do better by my own god children.
I'd imagine the two big ones would be faith (and a willingness to share it) and commitment to both the child and his/her parents.
by Vee
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