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What do you use your printer for nowadays, and is it colour?

by Finy (follow)
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What do you use your printer/scanner for nowadays?

Is it mono or colour?

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I don't use it often - I use it for my voluntary work and sometimes I will print out a recipe that I want to try.
I mostly use it for work as I do charts and lists of volunteers etc etc for my unpaid work!

I sometimes use the scanner also to photocopy things.

Although I do not use it a lot, I would not be without it - if I buy something for my work, I need to take a copy of the receipt to send in to head office....in other words, I seem to use it mainly for my volunteer work!
by Finy
oh, and it/s mono not colour
by Finy
Don't talk to me about Printers!!!

They run out too soon.

One I have..... won't even print Black & White unless I get Colour Cart too! That's like another $70.oo

That is where they make their money!!

You can buy a dirt cheap printer, but it will cost you twice as much for a colour cartridge?

I need one badly, in fact I feel they won't go off the market anytime soon.

What makes me totally angry is they charge like 4000% for the cost of a refill.

The amount of ink they put into the new cartridge is so little, that people go buy another printer, than buy new ink.

What about Land Fill?

It's a disgrace, and yes it makes me see red.

I have had a HP laser jet for years and I am still on the first toner cartridge. I bought two cartridges at the time as it was so cheap to buy two . . . .the second one may dry up before I get to it! Inkjets are lethal with the price of ink :((
by Rice
exactly :(
by jonaja
We have a colour printer and we just use it to get copies . It doesn't seem like we use it that much, but we do get through the paper. I recently made some invitations online for a few Christmas parties we are having here in December, so had to print them off and post them to family and friends. That took up quite a bit of paper. They look lovely in colour. The pictures and special stationary would not look so good in black and white.
no, colour is of course much nicer, but I had problems with running out of one colour ink and didnt like a dot printer, so bought a laser one years ago, but I dont do anything like what you do!
by Finy
We barely use our printer at all. We volunteer for an animal rescue and print out the adoption forms, but that's about it. We use the scanner each year at tax time to scan our receipts.
damien, but would you be without a printer (just in case you need something!)?
by Finy
I have a colour printer/scanner/copier combo. I use it to print documents for work and for copying. I thought we would be using it a lot more but so far we have not.
For nothing, as I don't have one!

When I DID have access to one, it could print in colour, which I thought was great!
When my son was still up in Qld we'd both use HIS wonderful printer which did everything but wash the dishes!!! Just kidding,but you know what I mean! He did a lot of artwork printing with his printer/scanner/ copier,so I'd just use his machine as I could not see the point of us both having printers of our own. It was so much cheaper to print our own photos directly from the computer to special photo paper so that was what I used to use his printer for more than anything else!
I rarely have the need to use a printer these days.I tend to ask my neighbour if I may please use hers,when the rare need arises.
My printer is colour. I use it to print reference images for my art work. I print images that I want to transfer to other substrates as well. If my computer wasn't such a dinosaur I would probably play around with my art in photoshop and print it for different projects too.
Mine is a laser jet in mono. I like to print letters and personalised envelopes. I have access to his colour printer but I seldom bother.
by Rice
I had a printer that I didn't use often. i no longer have it and I don't miss it.
by AJ
Ours hasn't worked for about 2 years! We have to go to our local library to print out forms or whatever we can't print out at home.
by Miro
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