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What do you use on your hair?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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What kind of things do you use on your hair? Do you ever colour it, use straighteners, curlers? Do you use a hairdryer or let it dry naturally?

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I normally use shampoo and conditioner (separately). I also dye my hair to cover the grey. I usually let it dry naturally, but if I need to straighten it for an event, then I use a hair dryer. I also use mousse and hairspray for styling purposes.
I don't do anything to my hair other than wash it with shampoo/conditioner. I don't like using a hairdryer either. I always let it dry naturally.
I colour my greys and I shampoo and condition regularly with chemical free products.
I colour my hair and have recently had a keratin treatment, which means for the first time in my life I can just wash and shampoo and have straight hair.

Colour it, curl it, blow dry it, and the odd dance with the curling wand.
I'm very fussy about only using natural products, so I just use shampoo, conditioner and henna-based hair colour. I try to avoid a hair-dryer if possible.
I wash it every now and again, but nothing too extravagant.
I use only organic products from a local Perth firm.

I find them gentler and without the strong perfumes that non organic products have.

I dry it partially with a dryer but only the front that I want to shape, and I use a conditioner each time I wash my hair.
by Finy
Wash in bi-carb. Condition with organic apple cider vinegar. Until recently my hair was always coloured and my hairdresser had no qualms about my using this duo.
by Rice
I have my hair done every Saturday at my local hairdressers a d have done so for the past 35+ years with the same salon. I do have it coloured from time to time, half head or full head of foils, have had pink foils (once) and purple foils and perms. It's shampooed, conditioned and set every week on rollers and dried under a dryer. I have very fine hair but a lot of it so prefer to have it looked after by professionals
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