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What do you turn to for comfort, in times of great sadness?

by VerityG (follow)
A life lived in fear is a life half lived.
Wellbeing (113)      Comfort (14)      Sadness (2)     

sisters embrace comfort
"Two sisters" by William-Adolphe Bouguereau via Wikimedia Commons

In times of great sadness and distress, what do you find gives you comfort and helps you to cope?

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The question here is 'what do I'.
So without trying to upset anyone, I would like to answer this question.

In times of great sadness,and distress.
I do what a great deal of people do who are of the same 'faith' as myself.
I ask Christ to help me.
I did when my darling mother died, and within moments all distress had gone.That was a turning point for me.I never cried a day after that, just peace and a feeling of calm came.
My family around me could not understand, but they were not people who believe in Christ.
Since then all other dreadful things like two of my brothers sons committing suicide, have been dreadful times....but I just pray, and I am at peace for a long time.
It doesn't mean I can't feel grief, but my grief is what seems to be wrapped in something.That's all I can say.It is not as 'raw' as it should be.

My mind is not that strong to cause such an outcome, so it is supernatural.
I envy you your faith, Jonaj. I can see that it can be a source of great comfort and solace.
Beautiful image too.
by Vee
it is not just for me, it can come to anyone.It's up to them.Free too...lol.
by jonaja
Friends and family.
We have suffered two bereavements in the space of a week, and I am struggling to cope. I have found talking to close friends and family helpful and also we went to the seaside at the weekend and I found being next to the sea very soothing. Sadly I can't spend all day every day there, though!
Oh my....that is just dreadful.
That is a lot to get through, for you and family.
I am so very sorry.
by jonaja
Prayer and solitude.
by Vee
Yep, sure works a treat :)

by jonaja
My faith in God. I read the bible and pray.
by Gia
Mostly prayer and meditation, although I also find it helpful being with close friends.
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