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What do you think people think of you?

by megha (follow)
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What do you think people think of you?

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I think it was Pinky McKay who said this at a seminar I went to but I might be misremembering. Regardless who said it, I like it: "What other people think of you is none of your business." Don't worry about it, just be you.
Love it!
Perfect totally agree
by Zen
Precisely. 30 or more years ago I was fretting over someone who was telling lies about me & what others would think if they believed him. The very dear friend listening to me said, "What others think of you is none of your business". Boy, did that bring me to a stop in a hurry. Hadn't heard it before but I have never forgotten it. Very wise words too.
by helya
What people think about you really is none of your concern as long as you are acting in accordance with your values and living an authentic life.
When others pass judgements it speaks volumes about them not you. Put your focus, your energy and attention where it can make a difference and that is not pondering on the imagined opinions of others.
Well said.
by Zen
Thank you
I think people think that I am amazing. And I encourage this train of thought to be honest.
When visiting my niece recently, she said, referring to my husband and myself, "You two are amazing". Must look up the lyrics to that song in which the singer croons, "You are amazing." Could be suitable for our funerals.
by grann
People see me through as I'm transparent. Those who don't, I don't give a damn
I'm with Jennifer on this one, I don't know and I don't particularly care too much.
by Vee
I'm with Jennifer on this one, I don't know and I don't particularly care too much.
by Vee
Sorry, my internet is being temperamental AGAIN!
by Vee
I really really wish I knew!

So I can change the bad bits....and quickly!

But........sadly no one is game to tell me? I have asked before, but it fell into a deadly silence.

Hahaha, I'm not sure how I would interpret that jonaj. :P
by Vee
I know, you would think they would say something?
by jonaja
I am the best. It is much important what I think.
I care about my loved ones opinion on me rest I feel I have better things to do.
Couldn't give a square !
I'm me, like it or lump it!
I have absolutely no idea what people think of me, and I really don't care. I got over caring about what other people thought of me in my early 20s. The only person whose opinion matters to me is my husband. I don't care what anyone else thinks.
I am my self, and is people do like the way I am then too bad for them. I will not change to make any one else happy. I am going on my 46th wedding anniversary, I love my husband and he loves me and that is all that maters.

I do have lots of friends and family, but I would not change the way I am for anyone.
I'd like to think people think of me with a good sense of humour, always smiling and easy to get along with, and can be generous.
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