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What do you think of vertical gardens?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Vertical garden city

I happened across this building when I was in the city the other day and enjoyed looking at it so much that I had to stop and take a photo!

What do you think of vertical gardens? Is this the way of the future?

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I hope this is not the way of the future because I love traditional gardens, but it does look spectacular. I say bring them on.
by Vee
I prefer traditional gardens. I think that photo was taken in Broadway Chippendale. That new apartment development where the brewery is. If you live in an apartment, plants on you balcony is better. I prefer the traditional garden again.
Sorry, where the brewery used to be.
Yes it was. I got a closer look today and the plants are actually growing out of little pockets built into the walls. They seem to expand with root growth. They do look pretty spectacular. It'll be interesting to see if they stand the test of time. I hope they do because the building is spectacular!
They look pretty spectacular and in a city that is expanding at a rapid pace (wverywhere I look there is a new high rise going up)
I'm glad to see architects incorporating green living into their plans.
I do love traditional gardens too, and hopefully we'll be able to have both in the future.
It can look wonderful.
Then some look like out of a movie, that the apocalypse has happened...and 200 years has just passed.
It really is a matter of growing the right plants!
I think they should be big plants...It looks much better.
I think it's a great way of getting more greenery into spaces that would otherwise be composed of concrete, metal and glass. I think anything that promoted growing things in cities is a great plan.
It's a good idea in theory, but that tower in the photo at Ultimo looks like a bunch of weeds.
I think they are lovely, and should definitely be encouraged. However, I don't think that developers should be allowed to say 'We've done a vertical garden, so there's no need for a horizontal one'. The fact remains that it is hard to sit or walk in a vertical garden!
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