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What do you think of the Tiny House Movement?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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tiny house, small house, tiny house movement
A tiny mobile house in Portland, Oregon. Photo by Wikipedia user "Tammy".

The Tiny House Movement, or Small House Movement, is a move away from traditional larger houses to small, energy efficient, affordable homes. The idea is to live simply, saving both space and money. Mobile versions on wheels, like the one pictured, also give owners the option of living a nomadic lifestyle.

What do you think? Could you build and live in a tiny house?

#Tiny house movement
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I like the idea of tiny houses, but I don't think I could do it myself, since I just recently bought a house and have two children. I can see the idea working well for singles or couples, but having children in such a tiny space would present extra challenges. Sure, they could play outside, but I think it would be hard for a child to grasp the idea of owning so little stuff unless they had been brought up to that idea from birth. I certainly wouldn't relish telling my four year old that she had to get rid of almost all of her toys and clothes, and even though I'm her mother I think that would be an unreasonable and unfair thing to do to her.

Tiny houses would make awsome student accomodation or homes for young people who otherwise can't afford to own their own place, so they could stop paying rent and start to actually save some money. I'm not sure how well that would work under the current system though. If you get a bank loan to buy a block of land the bank expect you to improve the value of the land by building a home of a certain minimum size. That makes it hard to get your foot in the door if you don't have a lot of money to start off with.

I do love the idea of living with less clutter. My recent move into a house that is small (not tiny, but small, certainly smaller than I had before) has been refreshing. I wouldn't want the upkeep on a larger place. Houses are so much work to look after!

Funny you should ask!
I love it.
I have a look every week on YT to see what people have done.
Some of the ideas are very smart....some (well they may need a little 'tweek'.
As long as they are kept in good condition, why not.

If we could do more in this area, you would have a lot less problems as far as people being homeless.
A roof over your head, is a home....no matter how small.
I think it's great, although it's definitely not for everyone...especially families with children. As someone else said, it would definitely be best for singles and couples. Personally, I love the idea of simple living, as I feel that we accumulate so much unnecessary stuff in modern Western society. When I'm travelling I'm always amazed at few things we really need to live comfortably. I definitely wouldn't mind giving this a try one day...especially if I had a cute little cabin like the one in the picture!
This is such a great idea! Great option for retirement. If we get there! It could certainly lower the cost of living, lessen one's carbon footprint and, like you've said, give owners the option of living a nomadic lifestyle.
by Vee
I LOVE the idea. I saw this concept in New Zealand, and thought awesome if you are a party of ONE! So I don't think a family could live in this - but if this was the only option we would make it happen!
Never thought about it. But its a great idea.
Never thought about it. But its a great idea.
Great idea. Wouldn't work for me while my kids are young, but once they're grown up it could work. Would certainly save a lot of people money in rent.

This could still work for children - there's a whole OUTSIDE they can interact with during the day and use the small house as a place to sleep only.
It's more the owning of stuff that I think would be the issue, not space to play. They would have to accept only having a very small number of toys and items of clothing. That might be okay if you did it from birth so they didn't know any different. Also, the ones I have looked at floor plans for only have room for one double bed. You'd have to do something about that at least.
I think I'd love although I'd have to seriously declutter before I could think about it. I lived in a one bedroom flat for a few months. The biggest problem was storage for things you don't used often like camping equipment.
However the problem is still where to put it. Land is the biggest expense and Council regulations are endless and can totally ruin ideas such as this. Caravan Parks are too expensive.
I wanted to live like this with a group of friends on a largeish block but legalities made it impossible unless you had millions to spend.
I love the tiny houses - they look like good fun! Although they don't seem altogether practical.
It has some appeal, particularly in the area of tiny housework.
Great idea but I would want a little bit more space than this. A spare room for grandchildren to stay. The houses where I live (Mount Waverley in Melbourne) have mostly ridiculous houses being built. Most new houses are 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, lounge, family room, theatre room etc, etc. This is just so bad for the environment on a number of levels. Firstly, these houses are nearly covering the whole block and they are not small blocks (in the 700sqm range) therefore they have no room to plant significant trees to help suck up the pollution. Secondly, the amount of building materials used in a house of this size (for usually 1 family with 2 children) has a huge environmental impact with trees being cut down for the timber, producing cement for concrete has a huge output of carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas), and just more of everything because the house is so big. Thirdly, the amount of energy that is needed to keep these houses warm, and cool, keeping all the electronics and gadgets going is putting a further burden on us continuing with coal fired power station to supply our electricity.
What happened to the family many years ago that had 6 or more children in a 3 bedroom house with a lounge room. They actually grew up together as a family and had to talk to each other because of close proximity. Is the world a better place now?

and don't forget to out a TV in every room so no one ever talks to each other.
by lynne
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